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| <h1><img src="images/AngelLoader_Icon_48.png" style="vertical-align:middle" /> AngelLoader</h1> |
| <h1><img src="images/AngelLoader_Icon_48.png" style="vertical-align:middle" /> AngelLoader</h1> |
| <h4>A fan mission loader for Thief Gold, Thief II: The Metal Age, Thief: Deadly Shadows, and System Shock 2</h4> |
| <h4>A fan mission loader for Thief Gold, Thief II: The Metal Age, Thief: Deadly Shadows, and System Shock 2</h4> |
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| <h4>Official documentation</h4> |
| <h4>Official documentation</h4> |
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| <h2>Table of contents</h2> |
| <h2>Table of contents</h2> |
| <ul> |
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| <li> |
| <a href="#getting_started">Getting started</a> |
| <a href="#getting_started">Getting started</a> |
| <ul> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="#system_requirements">System requirements</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#system_requirements">System requirements</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#installation">Installation</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#installation">Installation</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#initial_setup">Initial setup</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#initial_setup">Initial setup</a></li> |
| </ul> |
| </ul> |
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| <a href="#main_window">Main window</a> |
| <a href="#main_window">Main window</a> |
| <ul> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="#main_menu">Main menu</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#main_menu">Main menu</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#filter_bar">Filter bar</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#filter_bar">Filter bar</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#readme_area">Readme area</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#readme_area">Readme area</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#bottom_bar">Bottom bar</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#bottom_bar">Bottom bar</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#mission_list">Mission list</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#mission_list">Mission list</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#column_header_context_menu">Column header context menu</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#column_header_context_menu">Column header context menu</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#fm_context_menu">FM context menu</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#fm_context_menu">FM context menu</a></li> |
. | <li><a href="#top_right_tabs">Top-right tabs</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#fm_details">FM details area</a></li> |
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| <li><a href="#drag_fm_to_add">Adding FMs by dragging them onto the main window</a></li> |
| </ul> |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
| </li> |
| <li> |
| <li> |
| <a href="#settings_window">Settings window</a> |
| <a href="#settings_window">Settings window</a> |
| <ul> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="#settings_paths_section">Paths</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#settings_paths_section">Paths</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#settings_appearance_section">Appearance</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#settings_appearance_section">Appearance</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#settings_other_section">Other</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#settings_other_section">Other</a></li> |
| </ul> |
| </ul> |
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| <li> |
| <a href="#appendix">Appendix</a> |
| <a href="#appendix">Appendix</a> |
| <ul> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="#localization">Localization</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#localization">Localization</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#supported_formats">Supported formats</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#supported_formats">Supported formats</a></li> |
. | <li><a href="#7z_note">A note to authors about 7-Zip files (don't use them)</a></li> |
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| <li><a href="#thanks">Thanks and credits</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#thanks">Thanks and credits</a></li> |
| </ul> |
| </ul> |
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| <h2><a name="getting_started" />Getting started</h2> |
| <h2><a name="getting_started" />Getting started</h2> |
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| <h3><a name="system_requirements" />System requirements</h3> |
| <h3><a name="system_requirements" />System requirements</h3> |
| <ul> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10 Anniversary Update or newer</li> |
| <li>Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10 Anniversary Update or newer</li> |
| <li>.NET Framework 4.7.2 or newer (the Windows version requirements are a direct result of this)</li> |
| <li>.NET Framework 4.7.2 or newer (the Windows version requirements are a direct result of this)</li> |
| </ul> |
| </ul> |
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| <h3><a name="installation" />Installation</h3> |
| <h3><a name="installation" />Installation</h3> |
| Currently AngelLoader is portable-only, so it must be placed in a non-protected folder (so don't put it in <code>Program Files</code> or <code>Program Files (x86)</code>). |
| Currently AngelLoader is portable-only, so it must be placed in a non-protected folder (so don't put it in <code>Program Files</code> or <code>Program Files (x86)</code>). |
| <p>Some examples of good locations might be<code>C:\AngelLoader</code>, <code>C:\Games\AngelLoader</code>, etc.</p> |
| <p>Some examples of good locations might be<code>C:\AngelLoader</code>, <code>C:\Games\AngelLoader</code>, etc.</p> |
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| <h3><a name="initial_setup" />Initial setup</h3> |
| <h3><a name="initial_setup" />Initial setup</h3> |
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| <p>When you start AngelLoader for the first time, you'll see the initial setup window:</p> |
| <p>When you start AngelLoader for the first time, you'll see the initial setup window:</p> |
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| <p><img src="images/initial_setup.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/initial_setup.png" /></p> |
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| <h4>Language</h4> |
| <h4>Language</h4> |
| If other languages are available, you can choose them here. Changes will take effect immediately. |
| If other languages are available, you can choose them here. Changes will take effect immediately. |
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| <h4><a name="paths_to_game_exes" />Paths to game executables</h4> |
| <h4><a name="paths_to_game_exes" />Paths to game executables</h4> |
| Here you can choose the executable files for the supported games you have installed. These fields are optional - you can set some, all, or none. You will still be able to see and manage all of your fan missions even if you haven't set their corresponding executable, but of course you won't be able to install or play any of them unless their executable is set. |
| Here you can choose the executable files for the supported games you have installed. These fields are optional - you can set some, all, or none. You will still be able to see and manage all of your fan missions even if you haven't set their corresponding executable, but of course you won't be able to install or play any of them unless their executable is set. |
| <p><b>Thief 1</b>, <b>Thief 2</b> and <b>System Shock 2</b> must be patched with NewDark in order for AngelLoader to be able to use them. <b>Thief 3</b> must be patched with the Sneaky Upgrade. Version or above is recommended; while versions as far back as 1.1.3 may work, they haven't been tested and are not officially supported.</p> |
| <p><b>Thief 1</b>, <b>Thief 2</b> and <b>System Shock 2</b> must be patched with NewDark in order for AngelLoader to be able to use them. <b>Thief 3</b> must be patched with the Sneaky Upgrade. Version or above is recommended; while versions as far back as 1.1.3 may work, they haven't been tested and are not officially supported.</p> |
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| <h4>Steam options</h4> |
| <h4>Steam options</h4> |
| If you own one or more supported games on Steam, you can specify the location of <code>steam.exe</code> and choose which games should be launched through it. Launching a game in this way enables access to Steam features such as the in-game overlay, play time counter, etc. |
| If you own one or more supported games on Steam, you can specify the location of <code>steam.exe</code> and choose which games should be launched through it. Launching a game in this way enables access to Steam features such as the in-game overlay, play time counter, etc. |
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| <h4><a name="fm_backup_path" />FM backup path</h4> |
| <h4><a name="fm_backup_path" />FM backup path</h4> |
| This is a required field. This is the directory that will be used for backing up saves, screenshots, etc. when you uninstall a fan mission. This must be a different directory from any FM archive paths. AngelLoader will still be able to use your existing backup files from other loaders, but will place any new backup files in this directory. |
| This is a required field. This is the directory that will be used for backing up saves, screenshots, etc. when you uninstall a fan mission. This must be a different directory from any FM archive paths. AngelLoader will still be able to use your existing backup files from other loaders, but will place any new backup files in this directory. |
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| <h4>FM archive paths</h4> |
| <h4>FM archive paths</h4> |
| Here you can set the directory or directories where your fan mission archives (.zip or .7z files) are located. If you enable "Include subfolders", then all subfolders inside all directories you specify will also be searched for FM archives (this matches NewDarkLoader's behavior). Otherwise, only the exact directories you specify will be searched. |
| Here you can set the directory or directories where your fan mission archives (.zip or .7z files) are located. If you enable "Include subfolders", then all subfolders inside all directories you specify will also be searched for FM archives (this matches NewDarkLoader's behavior). Otherwise, only the exact directories you specify will be searched. |
| A note on fan mission archive directories: Because multiple directories are allowed, there is the potential for duplicate files. In this case, AngelLoader will simply use the first file it finds, and ignore any further files with the same name. It is recommended that you don't put duplicate files in your archive directories, but if you do, then as long as they're exact copies (ie., not different files with the same name) then it will be fine. It's also recommended that your archive directories should <b>only</b> contain fan missions and/or FMSel/NewDarkLoader backup files. While AngelLoader does attempt to reject non-mission archives on scan, it's still best to keep unrelated files out of your FM directories. |
| A note on fan mission archive directories: Because multiple directories are allowed, there is the potential for duplicate files. In this case, AngelLoader will simply use the first file it finds, and ignore any further files with the same name. It is recommended that you don't put duplicate files in your archive directories, but if you do, then as long as they're exact copies (ie., not different files with the same name) then it will be fine. It's also recommended that your archive directories should <b>only</b> contain fan missions and/or FMSel/NewDarkLoader backup files. While AngelLoader does attempt to reject non-mission archives on scan, it's still best to keep unrelated files out of your FM directories. |
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| <h2><a name="main_window" />Main window</h2> |
| <h2><a name="main_window" />Main window</h2> |
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| <p><img src="images/main_window_full_960.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/main_window_full_960.png" /></p> |
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| <h4>Startup scan</h4> |
| <h4>Startup scan</h4> |
| Whenever new FMs are detected, they will be automatically scanned. If you cancel the scan, then they will be scanned when manually selected, similar to DarkLoader. It's recommended that you let the scan finish, especially if you're using game tabs, as it will result in FMs being categorized properly. |
| Whenever new FMs are detected, they will be automatically scanned. If you cancel the scan, then they will be scanned when manually selected, similar to DarkLoader. It's recommended that you let the scan finish, especially if you're using game tabs, as it will result in FMs being categorized properly. |
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| <h2><a name="main_menu" />Main menu</h2> |
| <h2><a name="main_menu" />Main menu</h2> |
| <img src="images/main_menu.png" /> |
| <img src="images/main_menu.png" /> |
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| <h4><a name="game_versions" />Game versions</h4> |
| <h4><a name="game_versions" />Game versions</h4> |
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| <p><img src="images/game_versions_window.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/game_versions_window.png" /></p> |
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| Here you can see which version of each game you have installed. If a game has not been specified in the <a href="#paths_to_game_exes">Paths settings section</a>, it will be grayed out. |
| Here you can see which version of each game you have installed. If a game has not been specified in the <a href="#paths_to_game_exes">Paths settings section</a>, it will be grayed out. |
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| <h4>Import</h4> |
| <h4>Import</h4> |
| Clicking this button will bring up a list of other loaders you can import data from. Supported loaders are <b>DarkLoader</b>, <b>NewDarkLoader</b>, and <b>FMSel</b>. If you have a large collection of FM data from one of these loaders (comments, ratings, finished statuses, etc.) then you can import that data into AngelLoader, replacing any current data (so be careful). |
| Clicking this button will bring up a list of other loaders you can import data from. Supported loaders are <b>DarkLoader</b>, <b>NewDarkLoader</b>, and <b>FMSel</b>. If you have a large collection of FM data from one of these loaders (comments, ratings, finished statuses, etc.) then you can import that data into AngelLoader, replacing any current data (so be careful). |
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| <h4><a name="scan_all_fms" />Scan all FMs</h4> |
| <h4><a name="scan_all_fms" />Scan all FMs</h4> |
| This allows you to scan all the FMs in the list. Clicking it will bring up a window where you can choose what to scan for. |
| This allows you to scan all the FMs in the list. Clicking it will bring up a window where you can choose what to scan for. |
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| <p><img src="images/ScanAllFMs_window.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/ScanAllFMs_window.png" /></p> |
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| Only the fields you select will be scanned for and overwritten; non-selected fields will not be touched. The exception to overwriting is tags: tags will only ever be kept the same or added to, not overwritten. |
| Only the fields you select will be scanned for and overwritten; non-selected fields will not be touched. The exception to overwriting is tags: tags will only ever be kept the same or added to, not overwritten. |
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| <h4>Settings</h4> |
| <h4>Settings</h4> |
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| Opens the <a href="#settings_window">Settings window</a>. |
| Opens the <a href="#settings_window">Settings window</a>. |
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| <h3><a name="filter_bar" />Filter bar</h3> |
| <h3><a name="filter_bar" />Filter bar</h3> |
| <p><img src="images/filter_bar.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/filter_bar.png" /></p> |
| Here you can choose to filter your FM list by game, title, author, release date, last played date, tags, finished status, and rating. If you've chosen to organize your games by tab, then these tabs will take the place of the game filter buttons. |
| Here you can choose to filter your FM list by game, title, author, release date, last played date, tags, finished status, and rating. If you've chosen to organize your games by tab, then these tabs will take the place of the game filter buttons. |
| <p>Clicking the drop-down arrow (<img src="images/drop_down_arrow.png"/>) at the right side of the filter bar will allow you to hide individual filters to minimize clutter. When a filter is hidden, it will be automatically switched off.</p> |
| <p>Clicking the drop-down arrow (<img src="images/drop_down_arrow.png"/>) at the right side of the filter bar will allow you to hide individual filters to minimize clutter. When a filter is hidden, it will be automatically switched off.</p> |
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| <h4><img src="images/Show_Unsupported.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> <a name="show_unsupported" />Show FMs marked as "unsupported game or non-FM archive"</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/Show_Unsupported.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> <a name="show_unsupported" />Show FMs marked as "unsupported game or non-FM archive"</h4> |
| This allows archives marked as Unknown (<img src="images/red_circle_question_mark_21.png" />) (archives that were rejected as not being FMs) to be displayed in the list. If support for new games is added in the future, you can use this to show previously unsupported FMs so you can re-scan them individually if you wish. |
| This allows archives marked as Unknown (<img src="images/red_circle_question_mark_21.png" />) (archives that were rejected as not being FMs) to be displayed in the list. If support for new games is added in the future, you can use this to show previously unsupported FMs so you can re-scan them individually if you wish. |
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| <h4><img src="images/Show_Unavailable.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> <a name="show_unsupported" /> Show unavailable FMs</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/Show_Unavailable.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> <a name="show_unsupported" /> Show unavailable FMs</h4> |
| This allows you to see FMs that are in the database, but cannot be found on disk. |
| This allows you to see FMs that are in the database, but cannot be found on disk. |
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| <h4><img src="images/FilterShowRecentAtTop.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> <a name="show_recent_at_top" />Show recently added FMs at the top of the list</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/FilterShowRecentAtTop.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> <a name="show_recent_at_top" />Show recently added FMs at the top of the list</h4> |
| This will cause recently added FMs to be highlighted and displayed at the top of the list. This makes it easier to find FMs that you've just downloaded, for example. The number of days to consider an FM "recent" can be changed in the <a href="#settings_days_recent">Settings window</a>. The default is 15 days. |
| This will cause recently added FMs to be highlighted and displayed at the top of the list. This makes it easier to find FMs that you've just downloaded, for example. The number of days to consider an FM "recent" can be changed in the <a href="#settings_days_recent">Settings window</a>. The default is 15 days. |
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| <h4><img src="images/Refresh.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Refresh FMs list</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/Refresh.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Refresh FMs list</h4> |
| Reloads the list of FMs from disk. This will always occur on startup, but this button is useful if you've added new FMs since starting AngelLoader. |
| Reloads the list of FMs from disk. This will always occur on startup, but this button is useful if you've added new FMs since starting AngelLoader. |
| <br>The list can also be refreshed from disk by pressing <code>Shift-F5</code> when the <a href="#mission_list">mission list</a> is focused. |
| <br>The list can also be refreshed from disk by pressing <code>Shift-F5</code> when the <a href="#mission_list">mission list</a> is focused. |
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| <h4><img src="images/RefreshFilters.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Refresh filters</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/RefreshFilters.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Refresh filters</h4> |
| When you edit a mission's data, the list of missions is not refreshed. This is to prevent a mission that no longer fits the filter criteria from being filtered out of the list in the middle of being edited. If you've edited an FM and want to re-filter the list, click this button. |
| When you edit a mission's data, the list of missions is not refreshed. This is to prevent a mission that no longer fits the filter criteria from being filtered out of the list in the middle of being edited. If you've edited an FM and want to re-filter the list, click this button. |
| <br>The list can also be refreshed by pressing <code>F5</code> when the <a href="#mission_list">mission list</a> is focused. |
| <br>The list can also be refreshed by pressing <code>F5</code> when the <a href="#mission_list">mission list</a> is focused. |
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| <h4><img src="images/ClearFilters.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Clear filters</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/ClearFilters.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Clear filters</h4> |
| Clears all filters. |
| Clears all filters. |
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| <h4><img src="images/ResetLayout.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Reset layout button</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/ResetLayout.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Reset layout button</h4> |
| Resets the main window to its default proportions. |
| Resets the main window to its default proportions. |
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| <h4>Draggable splitters</h4> |
| <h4>Draggable splitters</h4> |
| You can drag these horizontally or vertically to resize the sections of the window. If you drag at the corner between the two splitters, you can resize all three main sections at once. |
| You can drag these horizontally or vertically to resize the sections of the window. If you drag at the corner between the two splitters, you can resize all three main sections at once. |
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| <h3><a name="readme_area" />Readme area</h3> |
| <h3><a name="readme_area" />Readme area</h3> |
| Here is where the selected FM's readme is displayed. If there are multiple readmes, AngelLoader will attempt to detect one that doesn't contain spoilers (lootlists, walkthroughs, etc.). |
| Here is where the selected FM's readme is displayed. If there are multiple readmes, AngelLoader will attempt to detect one that doesn't contain spoilers (lootlists, walkthroughs, etc.). |
| If it finds one, it will choose that readme automatically. If a non-spoiler readme is unable to be detected with certainty, you will be given a choice of which readme to view. |
| If it finds one, it will choose that readme automatically. If a non-spoiler readme is unable to be detected with certainty, you will be given a choice of which readme to view. |
| In this case, this list of readmes will be the only thing displayed in the readme section. Once you've selected a readme, you will thereafter |
| In this case, this list of readmes will be the only thing displayed in the readme section. Once you've selected a readme, you will thereafter |
| have the option to select another from a drop-down list that appears in the upper-right corner (see <a href="#readme_controls">Readme controls</a>). |
| have the option to select another from a drop-down list that appears in the upper-right corner (see <a href="#readme_controls">Readme controls</a>). |
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| <h4><a name="readme_controls" />Readme controls</h4> |
| <h4><a name="readme_controls" />Readme controls</h4> |
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| <p><img src="images/ReadmeControls.png"/></p> |
| <p><img src="images/ReadmeControls.png"/></p> |
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| <h4>Readme selection dropdown</h4> |
| <h4>Readme selection dropdown</h4> |
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| If the selected FM contains multiple readme files, this will allow you to choose one to view. If the FM contains only one readme or no readmes, the readme selection dropdown will be hidden. |
| If the selected FM contains multiple readme files, this will allow you to choose one to view. If the FM contains only one readme or no readmes, the readme selection dropdown will be hidden. |
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| <h4><img src="images/CharacterEncoding.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Character encoding</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/CharacterEncoding.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Character encoding</h4> |
| If the readme's text is not being displayed correctly (for example, if there are '?' characters where accented characters should be, or if the text is generally garbled), choosing a different character encoding may fix the issue. Although AngelLoader attempts to detect the correct character encoding on its own, it occasionally guesses wrong, so a manual selection option is provided. Character encoding selections are saved per-readme. |
| If the readme's text is not being displayed correctly (for example, if there are '?' characters where accented characters should be, or if the text is generally garbled), choosing a different character encoding may fix the issue. Although AngelLoader attempts to detect the correct character encoding on its own, it occasionally guesses wrong, so a manual selection option is provided. Character encoding selections are saved per-readme. |
| <p/> |
| <p/> |
| Character encoding selection is only available for plain-text readmes. Other formats specify their character encoding information themselves, so neither detection nor selection is needed in that case. If a readme does not support character encoding selection, the icon will be grayed out. |
| Character encoding selection is only available for plain-text readmes. Other formats specify their character encoding information themselves, so neither detection nor selection is needed in that case. If a readme does not support character encoding selection, the icon will be grayed out. |
| |
| |
| <h4><img src="images/ZoomIn.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Zoom in</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/ZoomIn.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Zoom in</h4> |
| Makes the readme text larger. |
| Makes the readme text larger. |
| |
| |
| <h4><img src="images/ZoomOut.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Zoom out</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/ZoomOut.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Zoom out</h4> |
| Makes the readme text smaller. |
| Makes the readme text smaller. |
| |
| |
| <h4><img src="images/ZoomReset.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Reset zoom</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/ZoomReset.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Reset zoom</h4> |
| Resets the readme text size to the default. |
| Resets the readme text size to the default. |
| <p/> |
| <p/> |
| In addition to clicking the zoom buttons, the readme can also be zoomed by pressing <code>Ctrl+-</code>, <code>Ctrl++</code>, and <code>Ctrl-0</code>, or by holding <code>Ctrl</code> and scrolling the mouse wheel while the cursor is over the readme area. |
| In addition to clicking the zoom buttons, the readme can also be zoomed by pressing <code>Ctrl+-</code>, <code>Ctrl++</code>, and <code>Ctrl-0</code>, or by holding <code>Ctrl</code> and scrolling the mouse wheel while the cursor is over the readme area. |
| |
| |
| <h4><img src="images/FullScreen.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Fullscreen</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/FullScreen.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Fullscreen</h4> |
| When you click the fullscreen button, the readme area enlarges to take up the entire window. Click the button again to restore it to normal size. |
| When you click the fullscreen button, the readme area enlarges to take up the entire window. Click the button again to restore it to normal size. |
| |
| |
| <hr> |
| <hr> |
| |
| |
| <h3><a name="bottom_bar" />Bottom bar</h3> |
| <h3><a name="bottom_bar" />Bottom bar</h3> |
| |
| |
| <p><img src="images/BottomBar.png"/></p> |
| <p><img src="images/BottomBar.png"/></p> |
| |
| |
| <h4><img src="images/PlayFM.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Play FM</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/PlayFM.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Play FM</h4> |
. | Click this button to play the currently selected FM. If the FM is not installed, it will be installed automatically first. |
| Click this button to play the currently selected FM. If the FM is not installed, it will be installed automatically first. If multiple FMs are selected, this button will be disabled. |
| |
| |
. | <h4><img src="images/PlayOriginalGame.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Play original game</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/PlayOriginalGame.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Play without FM</h4> |
| Click this button to bring up a list of supported games. Only games that you've <a href="#paths_to_game_exes">provided a path to</a> will be enabled; others will be grayed out. Clicking on one of these games will let you play it without loading an FM.<br> |
| Click this button to bring up a list of supported games. Only games that you've <a href="#paths_to_game_exes">provided a path to</a> will be enabled. Clicking on one of these games will let you play it without loading an FM.<br> |
| If you have NewDark 1.27 or later and have installed the multiplayer option (meaning Thief2MP.exe exists in your Thief 2 directory), then there will be an additional option in the list to play Thief 2 in multiplayer mode. |
| If you have NewDark 1.27 or later and have installed the multiplayer option (meaning Thief2MP.exe exists in your Thief 2 directory), then there will be an additional option in the list to play Thief 2 in multiplayer mode. |
. | |
| <p/> |
| |
| If you've chosen to display this as multiple buttons instead, then only the buttons for games that you've provided a path to will be displayed. Otherwise it works similarly. |
| |
| |
. | <h4><img src="images/Install.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> / <img src="images/Uninstall.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Install / Uninstall FM</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/Install.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> / <img src="images/Uninstall.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Install / Uninstall FM(s)</h4> |
| If the currently selected FM is not installed, this button will install it; otherwise, it will uninstall it. |
| If the currently selected FM(s) are not installed, this button will install them; otherwise, it will uninstall them. |
| |
| |
| <h4><img src="images/WebSearch.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Web search</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/WebSearch.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Web search</h4> |
. | Click this button to search the web for the selected mission. You can set the search URL in the <a href="#settings_web_search">Settings window</a>. |
| Click this button to search the web for the selected FM. You can set the search URL in the <a href="#settings_web_search">Settings window</a>. If multiple FMs are selected, this button will be disabled. |
| |
| |
| <h4><img src="images/Settings.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Settings</h4> |
| <h4><img src="images/Settings.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> Settings</h4> |
| Opens the <a href="#settings_window">Settings window</a>. |
| Opens the <a href="#settings_window">Settings window</a>. |
| <p/> |
| <p/> |
| <hr> |
| <hr> |
| |
| |
| <h3><a name="mission_list" />Mission list</h3> |
| <h3><a name="mission_list" />Mission list</h3> |
| |
| |
| <p><img src="images/fms_list_960.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/fms_list_960.png" /></p> |
| |
| |
| This is the main area where fan missions are displayed, sorted, and filtered. You can change the columns' size, <a href="#column_header_context_menu">visibility</a>, and order. |
| This is the main area where fan missions are displayed, sorted, and filtered. You can change the columns' size, <a href="#column_header_context_menu">visibility</a>, and order. |
| Drag a column left or right to change its order. Clicking on a column header will sort by that column. Click once to sort by ascending, and click again to sort by descending. |
| Drag a column left or right to change its order. Clicking on a column header will sort by that column. Click once to sort by ascending, and click again to sort by descending. |
| Double-click the size grip to the right of a column to auto-size that column to fit its content. |
| Double-click the size grip to the right of a column to auto-size that column to fit its content. |
| <p>Right-click on any column header or any blank space in the list to bring up the <a href="#column_header_context_menu">column header context menu</a>.</p> |
| <p>Right-click on any column header or any blank space in the list to bring up the <a href="#column_header_context_menu">column header context menu</a>.</p> |
. | <p>Right-click on an FM to bring up the <a href="#fm_context_menu">FM context menu</a>.</p> |
| <p><b>Right-click</b> on an FM to bring up the <a href="#fm_context_menu">FM context menu</a>.</p> |
| <p>Double-click on a mission or press Enter when a mission is selected to play that mission. By default you will be asked for confirmation in this case; see <a href="#settings_play_on_dc_or_enter_ask">Play FM on double-click / Enter</a>.</p> |
| <p><b>Double-click</b> on a mission or press <b>Enter</b> when a mission is selected to play that mission. By default you will be asked for confirmation in this case; see <a href="#settings_play_on_dc_or_enter_ask">Play FM on double-click / Enter</a>.</p> |
| |
| |
. | Press the Delete key while an FM is selected to delete that FM's archive from disk. You will be asked for confirmation first. |
| Press the <b>Delete</b> key while one or more FMs are selected to delete their archives from disk. You will be asked for confirmation first. If one or more selected FMs are installed, you will be asked if you want to uninstall them before deleting their archives. |
| |
| |
| <p>You can zoom the FMs list either with the zoom buttons on the top bar, or with <code>Ctrl++</code>,<code>Ctrl+-</code>, and <code>Ctrl+0</code>, or with Ctrl+mousewheel. |
| <p>You can zoom the FMs list either with the zoom buttons on the top bar, or with <code>Ctrl++</code>,<code>Ctrl+-</code>, and <code>Ctrl+0</code>, or with Ctrl+mousewheel. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Columns</h4> |
| <h4>Columns</h4> |
| |
| |
| <h4>Game</h4> |
| <h4>Game</h4> |
| Displays an icon based on which game the mission is for. If unknown, it will be blank. The icons are: |
| Displays an icon based on which game the mission is for. If unknown, it will be blank. The icons are: |
| <p> |
| <p> |
| <img src="images/Thief1_21.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - Thief<br> |
| <img src="images/Thief1_21.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - Thief<br> |
| <img src="images/Thief2_21.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - Thief II<br> |
| <img src="images/Thief2_21.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - Thief II<br> |
| <img src="images/Thief3_21.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - Thief: Deadly Shadows<br> |
| <img src="images/Thief3_21.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - Thief: Deadly Shadows<br> |
| <img src="images/Shock2_21.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - System Shock 2<br> |
| <img src="images/Shock2_21.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - System Shock 2<br> |
| <img src="images/red_circle_question_mark_21.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> - Unsupported mission or non-mission archive (these only appear when the <a href="#show_unsupported">Show Unsupported</a> filter is enabled).</p> |
| <img src="images/red_circle_question_mark_21.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" /> - Unsupported mission or non-mission archive (these only appear when the <a href="#show_unsupported">Show Unsupported</a> filter is enabled).</p> |
| |
| |
| <h4>Installed</h4> |
| <h4>Installed</h4> |
| Displays a <img src="images/green_check_21.png" /> icon if an FM is installed; otherwise remains blank. |
| Displays a <img src="images/green_check_21.png" /> icon if an FM is installed; otherwise remains blank. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Title</h4> |
| <h4>Title</h4> |
| Displays an FM's title, taking into account the <a href="#settings_sorting">Move article</a> setting. If no title has been scanned for, or a title otherwise can't be found, this will display the FM's archive name without the extension. If no archive name can be found then it will display the FM's installed folder name. |
| Displays an FM's title, taking into account the <a href="#settings_sorting">Move article</a> setting. If no title has been scanned for, or a title otherwise can't be found, this will display the FM's archive name without the extension. If no archive name can be found then it will display the FM's installed folder name. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Archive</h4> |
| <h4>Archive</h4> |
| Displays the FM's archive name with extension. |
| Displays the FM's archive name with extension. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Author</h4> |
| <h4>Author</h4> |
| Displays the FM's author if one can be found. |
| Displays the FM's author if one can be found. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Size</h4> |
| <h4>Size</h4> |
| Displays the FM's compressed (archived) size if possible. If no archive can be found, then it will display the FM's uncompressed (installed) size. |
| Displays the FM's compressed (archived) size if possible. If no archive can be found, then it will display the FM's uncompressed (installed) size. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Rating</h4> |
| <h4>Rating</h4> |
| Displays the FM's rating using the <a href="#settings_rating_display_style">selected style</a>. |
| Displays the FM's rating using the <a href="#settings_rating_display_style">selected style</a>. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Finished</h4> |
| <h4>Finished</h4> |
| Displays an icon representing which difficulty or difficulties you've finished an FM on. |
| Displays an icon representing which difficulty or difficulties you've finished an FM on. |
| <p> |
| <p> |
| <img src="images/Finished_Normal.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - <b>Normal</b> (<b>Easy</b> for Thief: Deadly Shadows and System Shock 2)<br> |
| <img src="images/Finished_Normal.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - <b>Normal</b> (<b>Easy</b> for Thief: Deadly Shadows and System Shock 2)<br> |
| <img src="images/Finished_Hard.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - <b>Hard</b> (<b>Normal</b> for Thief: Deadly Shadows and System Shock 2)<br> |
| <img src="images/Finished_Hard.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - <b>Hard</b> (<b>Normal</b> for Thief: Deadly Shadows and System Shock 2)<br> |
| <img src="images/Finished_Expert.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - <b>Expert</b> (<b>Hard</b> for Thief: Deadly Shadows and System Shock 2)<br> |
| <img src="images/Finished_Expert.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - <b>Expert</b> (<b>Hard</b> for Thief: Deadly Shadows and System Shock 2)<br> |
| <img src="images/Finished_Extreme.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - <b>Extreme</b> (<b>Expert</b> for Thief: Deadly Shadows, <b>Impossible</b> for System Shock 2)<br> |
| <img src="images/Finished_Extreme.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - <b>Extreme</b> (<b>Expert</b> for Thief: Deadly Shadows, <b>Impossible</b> for System Shock 2)<br> |
| <img src="images/Finished_Unknown.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - <b>Unknown</b> |
| <img src="images/Finished_Unknown.png" style="vertical-align:text-bottom" /> - <b>Unknown</b> |
| </p> |
| </p> |
| See the <a href="#finished_on">Finished On submenu</a> for more information about difficulty levels. |
| See the <a href="#finished_on">Finished On submenu</a> for more information about difficulty levels. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Release Date</h4> |
| <h4>Release Date</h4> |
| Displays the FM's release date in the <a href="#settings_date_format">specified format</a>. |
| Displays the FM's release date in the <a href="#settings_date_format">specified format</a>. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Last Played</h4> |
| <h4>Last Played</h4> |
| Displays the FM's last played date in the <a href="#settings_date_format">specified format</a>. |
| Displays the FM's last played date in the <a href="#settings_date_format">specified format</a>. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Date Added</h4> |
| <h4>Date Added</h4> |
| Displays the date the FM was added to the list. |
| Displays the date the FM was added to the list. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Disabled Mods</h4> |
| <h4>Disabled Mods</h4> |
| Displays the disabled mods, if any, for the FM. |
| Displays the disabled mods, if any, for the FM. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Comment</h4> |
| <h4>Comment</h4> |
| Displays the FM's comment, if any, up to the first 100 characters or the first linebreak, whichever comes first. |
| Displays the FM's comment, if any, up to the first 100 characters or the first linebreak, whichever comes first. |
| |
| |
| <h3><a name="column_header_context_menu" />Column header context menu</h3> |
| <h3><a name="column_header_context_menu" />Column header context menu</h3> |
| |
| |
| <p><img src="images/column_context_menu.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/column_context_menu.png" /></p> |
| |
| |
| Right-clicking on any column header, or any blank space in the main list, will bring up this menu. Here you can choose to hide or show columns, or reset their visibility, width, or positions. |
| Right-clicking on any column header, or any blank space in the main list, will bring up this menu. Here you can choose to hide or show columns, or reset their visibility, width, or positions. |
| |
| |
| <h3><a name="fm_context_menu" />FM context menu</h3> |
| <h3><a name="fm_context_menu" />FM context menu</h3> |
| |
| |
| <p><img src="images/fm_right_click_menu.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/fm_right_click_menu.png" /></p> |
| |
| |
| Right-click on a fan mission in the list to bring up this menu. |
| Right-click on a fan mission in the list to bring up this menu. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Play FM</h4> |
| <h4>Play FM</h4> |
. | Plays the currently selected FM. If the FM is not installed, it will be installed automatically first. |
| Plays the currently selected FM. If the FM is not installed, it will be installed automatically first. If multiple FMs are selected, this option will be disabled. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Play FM (multiplayer)</h4> |
| <h4>Play FM (multiplayer)</h4> |
| This item will only appear if Thief2MP.exe was found in the Thief 2 directory. Clicking it will allow you to play the selected FM in multiplayer mode (requires NewDark 1.27 or later). If the FM is not installed, it will be installed automatically first. |
| This item will only appear if Thief2MP.exe was found in the Thief 2 directory. Clicking it will allow you to play the selected FM in multiplayer mode (requires NewDark 1.27 or later). If the FM is not installed, it will be installed automatically first. |
| |
| |
. | <h4>Install / Uninstall FM</h4> |
| <h4>Install / Uninstall FM(s)</h4> |
| If the currently selected FM is not installed, this will install it; otherwise, it will uninstall it. |
| If the currently selected FM(s) are not installed, this will install them; otherwise, it will uninstall them. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Pin to top / Unpin from top</h4> |
| <h4>Pin to top / Unpin from top</h4> |
. | You can choose to pin FMs to the top of list so that they will always remain there regardless of sorting or filtering. When an FM is pinned, this option will unpin it instead. |
| You can choose to pin FMs to the top of list so that they will always remain there regardless of sorting or filtering. When an FM is pinned, this option will unpin it instead. When multiple FMs are selected, there will be two separate options, Pin and Unpin. |
| |
| |
. | <h4>Delete FM archive</h4> |
| <h4>Delete FM archive(s)</h4> |
| This will allow you to delete an FM's archive from disk. You can also press the Delete key while the FMs list is focused to achieve the same thing. In both cases, you will be asked for confirmation first. |
| This will allow you to delete one or more FMs' archives from disk. You can also press the <b>Delete</b> key while the FMs list is focused to achieve the same thing. In both cases, you will be asked for confirmation first. If one or more selected FMs are installed, you will be asked if you want to uninstall them before deleting their archives. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Open FM in DromEd</h4> |
| <h4>Open FM in DromEd</h4> |
| This item will only appear if DromEd.exe (or ShockEd.exe for System Shock 2) was found in the game directory. Clicking it will open the currently selected FM in DromEd or ShockEd, installing it first if necessary.<br> |
| This item will only appear if DromEd.exe (or ShockEd.exe for System Shock 2) was found in the game directory. Clicking it will open the currently selected FM in DromEd or ShockEd, installing it first if necessary.<br> |
| <b>This option does not apply to Thief: Deadly Shadows.</b> |
| <b>This option does not apply to Thief: Deadly Shadows.</b> |
| |
| |
| <h4>Open FM folder</h4> |
| <h4>Open FM folder</h4> |
| Opens the FM's installed folder. |
| Opens the FM's installed folder. |
| |
| |
. | <h4>Scan FM</h4> |
| <h4>Scan FM(s)</h4> |
| This will scan the selected FM. If you only want to scan for certain fields, see the <a href="#edit_fm_tab">Edit FM tab</a>. |
| This will scan the selected FM(s). If you only want to scan for certain fields, see the <a href="#edit_fm_tab">Edit FM tab</a>. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Convert audio submenu</h4> |
| <h4>Convert audio submenu</h4> |
| This menu contains the same audio conversion options as in the <a href="#settings_audio_conversion">Settings window</a>, but they can be run at any time here. |
| This menu contains the same audio conversion options as in the <a href="#settings_audio_conversion">Settings window</a>, but they can be run at any time here. |
| <br>This option is only available for installed FMs. |
| <br>This option is only available for installed FMs. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Rating submenu</h4> |
| <h4>Rating submenu</h4> |
. | Here you can rate the selected FM. The ratings will appear as they've been set in the <a href="#settings_rating_display_style">Settings window</a>: either 0-10 or 0-5. |
| Here you can rate the selected FM(s). The ratings will appear as they've been set in the <a href="#settings_rating_display_style">Settings window</a>: either 0-10 or 0-5. |
| |
| |
| <h4><a name="finished_on" />Finished On submenu</h4> |
| <h4><a name="finished_on" />Finished On submenu</h4> |
. | Here you can set which difficulty or difficulties you've finished the selected mission on.<br> |
| Here you can set which difficulty or difficulties you've finished the selected FM(s) on.<br> |
| <b>Unknown</b> - this is mainly for compatibility with imported FMSel data, which doesn't mark difficulties for its Finished value.<br> |
| <b>Unknown</b> - this is mainly for compatibility with imported FMSel data, which doesn't mark difficulties for its Finished value.<br> |
| For Thief 1 and Thief 2, the other difficulties are <b>Normal</b>, <b>Hard</b>, <b>Expert</b>, and <b>Extreme</b>.<br> |
| For Thief 1 and Thief 2, the other difficulties are <b>Normal</b>, <b>Hard</b>, <b>Expert</b>, and <b>Extreme</b>.<br> |
| For Thief: Deadly Shadows, they are <b>Easy</b>, <b>Normal</b>, <b>Hard</b>, and <b>Expert</b>.<br> |
| For Thief: Deadly Shadows, they are <b>Easy</b>, <b>Normal</b>, <b>Hard</b>, and <b>Expert</b>.<br> |
| For System Shock 2, they are <b>Easy</b>, <b>Normal</b>, <b>Hard</b>, and <b>Impossible</b>.<br> |
| For System Shock 2, they are <b>Easy</b>, <b>Normal</b>, <b>Hard</b>, and <b>Impossible</b>.<br> |
| "<b>Extreme</b>" is not an official Thief difficulty, but is provided for compatibility with imported DarkLoader data, or to use as you see fit (to denote Ghost, etc). |
| "<b>Extreme</b>" is not an official Thief difficulty, but is provided for compatibility with imported DarkLoader data, or to use as you see fit (to denote Ghost, etc). |
| |
| |
| <h4>Web search</h4> |
| <h4>Web search</h4> |
| Click this to search the web for the selected mission. You can set the search URL in the <a href="#settings_web_search">Settings window</a>. |
| Click this to search the web for the selected mission. You can set the search URL in the <a href="#settings_web_search">Settings window</a>. |
| <p/> |
| <p/> |
| <hr> |
| <hr> |
| |
| |
. | <h3><a name="top_right_tabs" />Top-right tabs</h3> |
| <h3><a name="fm_details" />FM details area</h3> |
| |
| |
. | These tabs allow you to edit the selected FM's data and to view more detailed information about it. The tabs can be dragged to change their order if you wish, and they can also be selectively hidden using the menu button at the top-right. |
| This section allows you to edit the selected FM's data and to view more detailed information about it. The tabs can be dragged to change their order if you wish, and they can also be selectively hidden using the menu button at the top-right. |
| |
| <p/> |
| |
| Information can only be displayed for one FM at a time, so when multiple FMs are selected, this section will be disabled. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Collapse / expand button</h4> |
| <h4>Collapse / expand button</h4> |
. | Click this to collapse (hide) the top-right section. Click it again to expand it. |
| Click this to collapse (hide) the FM details section. Click it again to expand it. |
| |
| |
| <h4><a name="stats_tab" />Statistics tab</h4> |
| <h4><a name="stats_tab" />Statistics tab</h4> |
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| <p><img src="images/stats_tab.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/stats_tab.png" /></p> |
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| Here you can see information on what kind of custom resources a fan mission has. If the FM has not been scanned for custom resources, none will be shown. If the FM is for Thief: Deadly Shadows, none will be shown in any case, as the custom resource scan is not supported for that game. |
| Here you can see information on what kind of custom resources a fan mission has. If the FM has not been scanned for custom resources, none will be shown. If the FM is for Thief: Deadly Shadows, none will be shown in any case, as the custom resource scan is not supported for that game. |
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| <h4><a name="edit_fm_tab" />Edit FM tab</h4> |
| <h4><a name="edit_fm_tab" />Edit FM tab</h4> |
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| |
| <p><img src="images/edit_fm_tab.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/edit_fm_tab.png" /></p> |
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| Here you can edit an FM's data. If you want to re-scan for a certain field, click the <img src="images/scan_14.png" /> icon beside the field. |
| Here you can edit an FM's data. If you want to re-scan for a certain field, click the <img src="images/scan_14.png" /> icon beside the field. |
| |
| |
| <h4>Alternate titles button</h4> |
| <h4>Alternate titles button</h4> |
| Sometimes, multiple different titles will be detected during a scan. If the default title doesn't look correct, try clicking this dropdown button to see if another is available. Clicking an alternate title will change the FM's title to the one that you've selected. |
| Sometimes, multiple different titles will be detected during a scan. If the default title doesn't look correct, try clicking this dropdown button to see if another is available. Clicking an alternate title will change the FM's title to the one that you've selected. |
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| <h4>Release date and Last played</h4> |
| <h4>Release date and Last played</h4> |
| If a date hasn't been scanned for or cannot be detected, its checkbox will be unchecked and no date will be shown. |
| If a date hasn't been scanned for or cannot be detected, its checkbox will be unchecked and no date will be shown. |
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| <h4>Language selection</h4> |
| <h4>Language selection</h4> |
| Here you can choose to play an FM in a particular language. Only languages the FM supports will be available. |
| Here you can choose to play an FM in a particular language. Only languages the FM supports will be available. |
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| <h4><a name="comment_tab" />Comment tab</h4> |
| <h4><a name="comment_tab" />Comment tab</h4> |
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| <p><img src="images/comment_tab.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/comment_tab.png" /></p> |
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| Here you can enter a comment for the FM. This comment will also be displayed in the Comments column (up to the first 100 characters or the first linebreak, whichever comes first), and will update as you type. |
| Here you can enter a comment for the FM. This comment will also be displayed in the Comments column (up to the first 100 characters or the first linebreak, whichever comes first), and will update as you type. |
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| <h4><a name="tags_tab" />Tags tab</h4> |
| <h4><a name="tags_tab" />Tags tab</h4> |
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| <p><img src="images/tags_tab.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/tags_tab.png" /></p> |
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| Here you can manage the FM's tags. You can click the <b>Add from list...</b> button to choose a tag from the global list (which includes standard presets as well as any other tags that have been found for any other FMs), or you can start typing in the textbox to see a real-time list of tags and categories that match what you've typed. If no matching tag or category is found, a new one is created. The format for creating a new tag is <code>category: tag</code>. If you don't specify a category when creating a new tag, that tag will be placed in the <code>misc</code> category. |
| Here you can manage the FM's tags. You can click the <b>Add from list...</b> button to choose a tag from the global list (which includes standard presets as well as any other tags that have been found for any other FMs), or you can start typing in the textbox to see a real-time list of tags and categories that match what you've typed. If no matching tag or category is found, a new one is created. The format for creating a new tag is <code>category: tag</code>. If you don't specify a category when creating a new tag, that tag will be placed in the <code>misc</code> category. |
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| |
| <h4><a name="patch_tab" />Patch & Customize tab</h4> |
| <h4><a name="patch_tab" />Patch & Customize tab</h4> |
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| <p><img src="images/patch_tab.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/patch_tab.png" /></p> |
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| Here you can apply patches and customizations to an FM. |
| Here you can apply patches and customizations to an FM. |
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| |
| <h4><a name="dml_patches" />.dml Patches</h4> |
| <h4><a name="dml_patches" />.dml Patches</h4> |
| Some older fan missions don't quite work as they should when played with NewDark. In many cases, patches are available to fix them. If you have any .dml patch files, you can add or remove them from the FM's installed folder here. If you've enabled the <a href="#settings_backup">"All changed files" backup setting</a>, then these fixes will be backed up and restored the next time you install the FM. |
| Some older fan missions don't quite work as they should when played with NewDark. In many cases, patches are available to fix them. If you have any .dml patch files, you can add or remove them from the FM's installed folder here. If you've enabled the <a href="#settings_backup">"All changed files" backup setting</a>, then these fixes will be backed up and restored the next time you install the FM. |
| <br><b>.dml patching is not supported for Thief: Deadly Shadows.</b> |
| <br><b>.dml patching is not supported for Thief: Deadly Shadows.</b> |
| <h4>Open FM folder</h4> |
| <h4>Open FM folder</h4> |
| If you want to manually modify the FM's installed folder, you can open it here.<br> |
| If you want to manually modify the FM's installed folder, you can open it here.<br> |
| <a style="color:red;"><b>NOTE!</b></a> FM folders contain a special file, <code>fmsel.inf</code>, which must <a style="color:red;"><b>not</b></a> be deleted. This file contains metadata and is, due to its nature, not included in differential backups. While AngelLoader will sometimes be able to regenerate it or work without it, deleting it is asking for trouble. Don't do it. |
| <a style="color:red;"><b>NOTE!</b></a> FM folders contain a special file, <code>fmsel.inf</code>, which must <a style="color:red;"><b>not</b></a> be deleted. This file contains metadata and is, due to its nature, not included in differential backups. While AngelLoader will sometimes be able to regenerate it or work without it, deleting it is asking for trouble. Don't do it. |
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| <h4><a name="mods_tab" />Mods tab</h4> |
| <h4><a name="mods_tab" />Mods tab</h4> |
| |
| |
| <p><img src="images/mods_tab.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/mods_tab.png" /></p> |
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| <h4>Mods list</h4> |
| <h4>Mods list</h4> |
| Here you can enable or disable mods per-FM. Checked mods will be enabled and unchecked mods will be disabled. The <b>Disabled mods</b> text box will show disabled mods in the single-line format (like in FMSel) and can be edited manually if desired, but it's best to leave it and just use the checkboxes. |
| Here you can enable or disable mods per-FM. Checked mods will be enabled and unchecked mods will be disabled. The <b>Disabled mods</b> text box will show disabled mods in the single-line format (like in FMSel) and can be edited manually if desired, but it's best to leave it and just use the checkboxes. |
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| <p/> |
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| Note that the list simply displays all mods that are specified in <code>cam_mod.ini</code>; you may or may not actually have all of them installed. If a mod is not actually installed, then enabling it will do nothing. |
| Note that the list simply displays all mods that are specified in <code>cam_mod.ini</code>; you may or may not actually have all of them installed. If a mod is not actually installed, then enabling it will do nothing. |
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| <h4>Show important mods</h4> |
| <h4>Show important mods</h4> |
| There are some mods that are vital to the normal functioning of an up-to-date Thief install, and should not be disabled under normal circumstances. Check this box to display those mods in the list anyway. |
| There are some mods that are vital to the normal functioning of an up-to-date Thief install, and should not be disabled under normal circumstances. Check this box to display those mods in the list anyway. |
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| <h2><a name="drag_fm_to_add" />Adding FMs by dragging them onto the main window</h2> |
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| In addition to the traditional method of moving new FM archives into one of your archive folders and refreshing the FMs list, you can also add them by dragging the new archive(s) onto AngelLoader's main window. The archive(s) will be copied into your archives folder and the list automatically refreshed. You can then delete the original archive(s) if you wish. |
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| <p/> |
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| If you have multiple archive folders, you will be asked which one you want to copy the dragged archive(s) to. |
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| <h2><a name="settings_window" />Settings window</h2> |
| <h2><a name="settings_window" />Settings window</h2> |
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| <h3><a name="settings_paths_section" />Paths section</h3> |
| <h3><a name="settings_paths_section" />Paths section</h3> |
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| <p><img src="images/setup_paths_tab.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/setup_paths_tab.png" /></p> |
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| The settings here are the same as the <a href="#initial_setup">Initial Setup window</a>, except that Language has been moved to the <a href="#settings_other_section">Other section</a>. See <a href="#initial_setup">Initial Setup</a> for an explanation of these settings. |
| The settings here are the same as the <a href="#initial_setup">Initial Setup window</a>, except that Language has been moved to the <a href="#settings_other_section">Other section</a>. See <a href="#initial_setup">Initial Setup</a> for an explanation of these settings. |
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| <h3><a name="settings_appearance_section" />Appearance section</h3> |
| <h3><a name="settings_appearance_section" />Appearance section</h3> |
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. | <p><img src="images/setup_appearance_tab.png" /></p> |
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| <h4>Language</h4> |
| <h4>Language</h4> |
. | |
| <p><img src="images/settings_appr_lang.png" /></p> |
| If other languages are available, you can choose them here. Changes will take effect immediately. |
| If other languages are available, you can choose them here. Changes will take effect immediately. |
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| <h4>Theme</h4> |
| <h4>Theme</h4> |
. | |
| <p><img src="images/settings_appr_theme.png" /></p> |
| Here you can choose either the classic Windows theme or dark mode. Changes will take effect immediately. |
| Here you can choose either the classic Windows theme or dark mode. Changes will take effect immediately. |
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| <h4>Game organization</h4> |
| <h4>Game organization</h4> |
. | |
| <p><img src="images/settings_appr_game_org.png" /></p> |
| Here you can choose to either organize games into their own tabs, or to display your FMs as one list and allow filtering by game. When game tabs are enabled, each game will have its own selected FM and set of filters that will be retained between tab switches. Organizing games by tab can make things cleaner, but if you want to filter without regard to game (say, to find all missions by a single author who has released missions for multiple games), then having one list with game filters will work better. |
| Here you can choose to either organize games into their own tabs, or to display your FMs as one list and allow filtering by game. When game tabs are enabled, each game will have its own selected FM and set of filters that will be retained between tab switches. Organizing games by tab can make things cleaner, but if you want to filter without regard to game (say, to find all missions by a single author who has released missions for multiple games), then having one list with game filters will work better. |
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| <p> |
| <p> |
| If you select the <b>Use short names on game tabs</b> checkbox, game tabs will be displayed with abbreviated names to save screen space. |
| If you select the <b>Use short names on game tabs</b> checkbox, game tabs will be displayed with abbreviated names to save screen space. |
| </p> |
| </p> |
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| <h4><a name="settings_sorting" />Sorting</h4> |
| <h4><a name="settings_sorting" />Sorting</h4> |
. | |
| <p><img src="images/settings_appr_sort.png" /></p> |
| Here you can choose to ignore leading articles when sorting FMs. For example, the FM "The Seven Sisters" will be considered to start with an "S". If you choose to move articles to the end of names when displaying them, then "The Seven Sisters" will be displayed as "Seven Sisters, The". The default set of articles is "a, an, the", but you can add more (for example to support other languages). These articles are not part of the normal localization functionality, because they apply to fan mission names, which can be any language; therefore the app-wide language setting doesn't apply to them. |
| Here you can choose to ignore leading articles when sorting FMs. For example, the FM "The Seven Sisters" will be considered to start with an "S". If you choose to move articles to the end of names when displaying them, then "The Seven Sisters" will be displayed as "Seven Sisters, The". The default set of articles is "a, an, the", but you can add more (for example to support other languages). These articles are not part of the normal localization functionality, because they apply to fan mission names, which can be any language; therefore the app-wide language setting doesn't apply to them. |
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| <h4><a name="settings_rating_display_style" />Rating display style</h4> |
| <h4><a name="settings_rating_display_style" />Rating display style</h4> |
. | |
| <p><img src="images/settings_appr_rating.png" /></p> |
| Here you can choose the style in which to display an FM's rating (0-10, 0-5, or 0-5 with stars). |
| Here you can choose the style in which to display an FM's rating (0-10, 0-5, or 0-5 with stars). |
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| <h4><a name="settings_date_format" />Date format</h4> |
| <h4><a name="settings_date_format" />Date format</h4> |
. | |
| <p><img src="images/settings_appr_date.png" /></p> |
| Here you can choose how to display dates: either in the short or long form of your PC's current culture, or a custom format. |
| Here you can choose how to display dates: either in the short or long form of your PC's current culture, or a custom format. |
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| <h4><a name="settings_days_recent" />Recent FMs</h4> |
| <h4><a name="settings_days_recent" />Recent FMs</h4> |
. | |
| <p><img src="images/settings_appr_recent.png" /></p> |
| When choosing to <a href="#show_recent_at_top">show recently added FMs at the top of the list</a>, only FMs added within the selected number of days will be included. |
| When choosing to <a href="#show_recent_at_top">show recently added FMs at the top of the list</a>, only FMs added within the selected number of days will be included. |
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. | <h4>Hide "Install / Uninstall FM" button</h4> |
| <h4>Show or hide interface elements</h4> |
| |
| <p><img src="images/settings_appr_hide.png" /></p> |
| |
| <b>Hide "Install / Uninstall FM" button:</b><br> |
| For extra-strength misclick prevention, enable this. You will still be able to install and uninstall FMs from the <a href="#fm_context_menu">FM context menu</a>. |
| For extra-strength misclick prevention, enable this. You will still be able to install and uninstall FMs from the <a href="#fm_context_menu">FM context menu</a>. |
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| <p/> |
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. | <h4>Hide FM list zoom buttons</h4> |
| <b>Hide FM list zoom buttons:</b><br> |
| Since you can zoom the FMs list with the keyboard or Ctrl+mousewheel, you can hide these buttons to free up room. |
| Since you can zoom the FMs list with the keyboard or Ctrl+mousewheel, you can hide these buttons to free up room. |
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| <p/> |
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. | <h4>Hide exit button</h4> |
| <b>Hide exit button:</b><br> |
| Allows you to show or hide an Exit button in the bottom-right corner of the main window, similar to FMSel. |
| Allows you to show or hide an Exit button in the bottom-right corner of the main window, similar to FMSel. |
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| <p/> |
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. | <h4>Use a fixed-width font when displaying plain text</h4> |
| <h4>Readme box</h4> |
| |
| <p><img src="images/settings_appr_readme.png" /></p> |
| |
| <b>Use a fixed-width font when displaying plain text:</b><br> |
| Some readmes may look better when displayed in a fixed-width font. This option only applies to plain text readme files; other file types will use their own fonts. This behavior matches DarkLoader. |
| Some readmes may look better when displayed in a fixed-width font. This option only applies to plain text readme files; other file types will use their own fonts. This behavior matches DarkLoader. |
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| <h4>Play without FM</h4> |
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| <p><img src="images/settings_appr_no_fm.png" /></p> |
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| Choose what style to display the "Play without FM" controls in. |
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| <h3><a name="settings_other_section" />Other section</h3> |
| <h3><a name="settings_other_section" />Other section</h3> |
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| <p><img src="images/setup_other_tab.png" /></p> |
| <p><img src="images/setup_other_tab.png" /></p> |
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| <h4><a name="settings_audio_conversion" />Convert .wavs to 16 bit on install</h4> |
| <h4><a name="settings_audio_conversion" />Convert .wavs to 16 bit on install</h4> |
| Depending on your setup, .wav files that are higher than 16 bit may cause audio problems when played by Dark Engine games, such as intermittent or constant static noise. Converting all .wav files to 16 bit will solve this issue, and does not result in a perceptible loss of fidelity. Therefore, this option is turned on by default.<br> |
| Depending on your setup, .wav files that are higher than 16 bit may cause audio problems when played by Dark Engine games, such as intermittent or constant static noise. Converting all .wav files to 16 bit will solve this issue, and does not result in a perceptible loss of fidelity. Therefore, this option is turned on by default.<br> |
| <b>This option has no effect for Thief: Deadly Shadows.</b> |
| <b>This option has no effect for Thief: Deadly Shadows.</b> |
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| <h4>Convert .oggs to .wavs on install</h4> |
| <h4>Convert .oggs to .wavs on install</h4> |
| Quoted from the FMSel manual:<br> |
| Quoted from the FMSel manual:<br> |
| <i>The game </i>can<i> play OGG files but it can under some circumstance cause short hiccups, on less powerful computers, performance heavy missions or with large OGG files. In such cases it might help to convert them to WAV files during installation</i>.<br> |
| <i>The game </i>can<i> play OGG files but it can under some circumstance cause short hiccups, on less powerful computers, performance heavy missions or with large OGG files. In such cases it might help to convert them to WAV files during installation</i>.<br> |
| <b>This option has no effect for Thief: Deadly Shadows.</b> |
| <b>This option has no effect for Thief: Deadly Shadows.</b> |
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| <h4>Installing FMs</h4> |
| |
| Choose whether to be prompted before installing FM(s). |
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| <h4>Confirm before uninstalling</h4> |
| <h4>Confirm before uninstalling</h4> |
. | If this is enabled, you will be prompted for confirmation when uninstalling an FM. |
| If this is enabled, you will be prompted for confirmation when uninstalling FM(s). |
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| <h4><a name="settings_backup" />Back up data when uninstalling</h4> |
| <h4><a name="settings_backup" />Back up data when uninstalling</h4> |
| When an FM is uninstalled, you will normally want to back up its saves and screenshots so they can be restored if you install it again. You can also choose to back up all changed files, in which case the backup will also include all files in the installed folder that have been added, removed, or modified as compared to the files in the archive. This is useful if you have added <a href="#dml_patches">.dml patches</a> to the FM, or made other modifications such as creating or modifying an fm.cfg file, fixing readables, etc. Because AngelLoader aims to be patch-friendly, this option is the default. You can also choose to always be asked if you want to back up data when uninstalling an FM. |
| When an FM is uninstalled, you will normally want to back up its saves and screenshots so they can be restored if you install it again. You can also choose to back up all changed files, in which case the backup will also include all files in the installed folder that have been added, removed, or modified as compared to the files in the archive. This is useful if you have added <a href="#dml_patches">.dml patches</a> to the FM, or made other modifications such as creating or modifying an fm.cfg file, fixing readables, etc. Because AngelLoader aims to be patch-friendly, this option is the default. You can also choose to always be asked if you want to back up data when uninstalling an FM. |
| |
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| <h4><a name="settings_web_search" />Web search</h4> |
| <h4><a name="settings_web_search" />Web search</h4> |
| Here you can edit the URL that will be used when searching for FMs on the web. The string <code>$TITLE$</code> can be placed anywhere in the URL to insert the fan mission's title into the final string. For instance, if the URL was |
| Here you can edit the URL that will be used when searching for FMs on the web. The string <code>$TITLE$</code> can be placed anywhere in the URL to insert the fan mission's title into the final string. For instance, if the URL was |
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| <p><code>https://www.google.com/search?q="$TITLE$" site:ttlg.com</code></p> |
| <p><code>https://www.google.com/search?q="$TITLE$" site:ttlg.com</code></p> |
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| <p>and the currently selected FM's title was "Broken Triad", then the final URL actually passed to your web browser would be:</p> |
| <p>and the currently selected FM's title was "Broken Triad", then the final URL actually passed to your web browser would be:</p> |
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| <p><code>https://www.google.com/search?q="Broken Triad" site:ttlg.com</code></p> |
| <p><code>https://www.google.com/search?q="Broken Triad" site:ttlg.com</code></p> |
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| <h4><a name="settings_play_on_dc_or_enter_ask" />Play on double-click / Enter</h4> |
| <h4><a name="settings_play_on_dc_or_enter_ask" />Play on double-click / Enter</h4> |
| When you double-click on an FM in the list or press Enter when the list is focused, |
| When you double-click on an FM in the list or press Enter when the list is focused, |
| the selected FM will be played. Check this box to enable asking for confirmation in that case, |
| the selected FM will be played. Check this box to enable asking for confirmation in that case, |
| to prevent accidental playing from a stray click or key press. |
| to prevent accidental playing from a stray click or key press. |
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| <h2><a name="appendix" />Appendix</h2> |
| <h2><a name="appendix" />Appendix</h2> |
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| <h3><a name="localization" />Localization</h3> |
| <h3><a name="localization" />Localization</h3> |
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| AngelLoader supports the localization of its user interface. New languages may be defined in language files, which must be placed in the <code>Data\Languages</code> folder. An <code>English.ini</code> file is included in that folder as an example, and other language files are available for separate download. Language files use a simple <code>ini</code> format, and must be saved with UTF8 encoding in order to guarantee correct display of text. |
| AngelLoader supports the localization of its user interface. New languages may be defined in language files, which must be placed in the <code>Data\Languages</code> folder. An <code>English.ini</code> file is included in that folder as an example, and other language files are available for separate download. Language files use a simple <code>ini</code> format, and must be saved with UTF8 encoding in order to guarantee correct display of text. |
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| <p>Most user interface elements will be automatically resized to accommodate translated strings, but a few will not. These include the date and rating filter windows and some of the buttons in the tags filter window. It's up to the translator to ensure everything looks correct.</p> |
| <p>Most user interface elements will be automatically resized to accommodate translated strings, but a few will not. These include the date and rating filter windows and some of the buttons in the tags filter window. It's up to the translator to ensure everything looks correct.</p> |
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| <h3><a name="supported_formats" />Supported formats</h3> |
| <h3><a name="supported_formats" />Supported formats</h3> |
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| <h4>Archive files</h4> |
| <h4>Archive files</h4> |
. | Zip (.zip) and 7-Zip (.7z) files are supported. But see <a href="#7z_note">here</a> for a note about 7-Zip files. |
| Zip (.zip) and 7-Zip (.7z) files are supported. |
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| <h4>Audio files</h4> |
| <h4>Audio files</h4> |
| MP3 (.mp3), Ogg Vorbis (.ogg), and Wave (.wav) files are supported in fan missions. MP3 files will be automatically converted to WAV files on install, as NewDark does not support playing them directly. |
| MP3 (.mp3), Ogg Vorbis (.ogg), and Wave (.wav) files are supported in fan missions. MP3 files will be automatically converted to WAV files on install, as NewDark does not support playing them directly. |
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| <h4>Readme files</h4> |
| <h4>Readme files</h4> |
| Plain text (.txt), Rich text (.rtf), HTML (.htm, .html), and GarrettLoader Markup Language (.glml) files are supported. HTML files can be a great deal fancier than any of the other formats, but they must be viewed in a web browser (AngelLoader does not support viewing them in-app, although it provides a button to launch them in the user's web browser). |
| Plain text (.txt), Rich text (.rtf), HTML (.htm, .html), and GarrettLoader Markup Language (.glml) files are supported. HTML files can be a great deal fancier than any of the other formats, but they must be viewed in a web browser (AngelLoader does not support viewing them in-app, although it provides a button to launch them in the user's web browser). |
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| <h3><a name="7z_note" />A note to authors about 7-Zip files (don't use them)</h3> |
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| FMSel, the official NewDark fan mission loader, has always supported 7-Zip (.7z) files, and other NewDark FM loaders have followed suit. AngelLoader, too, supports these files, for compatibility with the handful that are out there. However, I propose that 7-Zip is ill-suited as a fan mission archive format, for the following reasons: |
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| <li>7z files are, by default, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_compression">solid archives</a>. This means that it is <i>not</i> possible to decompress individual files within the archive in random-access fashion: the archive must be decompressed starting at the beginning and continuing until the desired file entry is found. This is fine for simple installation, as the entire archive needs to be extracted anyway, but for <i>scanning</i> an FM, it's an <i>order of magnitude</i> slower. In fact, when AngelLoader's scanner comes across a 7z file, it simply extracts the whole thing to a temp directory on disk, because doing so is on average <i>faster</i> than seeking around in a compressed solid archive to read what it needs to read.</li> |
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| <li>7z files are just slower to extract all-around.</li> |
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| 7z files do give better compression than zip files, but it's only modestly better, and it's this author's opinion that the modest amount of space savings is not worth the severely degraded user experience of waiting for 7z fan mission archives to be scanned and extracted. So I would personally say that unless you have a really good reason, you shouldn't use 7z files for FMs: the venerable Zip format is still the best balance between size and speed for fan mission purposes. |
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| <h2><a name="thanks" />Thanks and credits</h2> |
| <h2><a name="thanks" />Thanks and credits</h2> |
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| I'd like to thank the following people, in no particular order: |
| I'd like to thank the following people, in no particular order: |
| <p><b>Dahenjo</b> for helping me hunt down some bugs and suggesting features.</p> |
| <p><b>Dahenjo</b> for helping me hunt down some bugs and suggesting features.</p> |
| <p><b>Xanfre</b> for contributing some excellent improvements to the RichTextBox behavior.</p> |
| <p><b>Xanfre</b> for contributing some excellent improvements to the RichTextBox behavior.</p> |
| <p><b>EnYB0La</b> for providing the impetus to start writing what became FMScanner, AngelLoader's scanner module. Without it, I never would have attempted to create a standalone NewDark-supporting loader!</p> |
| <p><b>EnYB0La</b> for providing the impetus to start writing what became FMScanner, AngelLoader's scanner module. Without it, I never would have attempted to create a standalone NewDark-supporting loader!</p> |
| <p><b>Björn Henke</b> and <b>Telliamed</b> for creating DarkLoader, the de facto standard Thief loader for many years, and the original inspiration for AngelLoader's UI and standalone nature.</p> |
| <p><b>Björn Henke</b> and <b>Telliamed</b> for creating DarkLoader, the de facto standard Thief loader for many years, and the original inspiration for AngelLoader's UI and standalone nature.</p> |
| <p><b>R Soul</b> for creating NewDarkLoader, a modern loader with the classic DarkLoader UI, and also a source of inspiration for several aspects of AngelLoader.</p> |
| <p><b>R Soul</b> for creating NewDarkLoader, a modern loader with the classic DarkLoader UI, and also a source of inspiration for several aspects of AngelLoader.</p> |
| <p><b>potterr</b> for creating GarrettLoader, the first loader (as far as I know) to support all three Thief games, the first loader I ever used, and the source of the GLML file format.</p> |
| <p><b>potterr</b> for creating GarrettLoader, the first loader (as far as I know) to support all three Thief games, the first loader I ever used, and the source of the GLML file format.</p> |
| <p><b>Le Corbeau</b>, the mysterious group behind NewDark as well as FMSel, the official NewDark fan mission loader.</p> |
| <p><b>Le Corbeau</b>, the mysterious group behind NewDark as well as FMSel, the official NewDark fan mission loader.</p> |
| <p>All of the above programs were of tremendous help in developing AngelLoader, so thank you all!</p> |
| <p>All of the above programs were of tremendous help in developing AngelLoader, so thank you all!</p> |
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| <p>I'd also like to thank <b>Looking Glass Studios</b> for creating Thief, the <a href="https://www.ttlg.com/forums">TTLG community</a> for keeping it alive, and my viewers for watching me goof around on YouTube for all those years.</p> |
| <p>I'd also like to thank <b>Looking Glass Studios</b> for creating Thief, the <a href="https://www.ttlg.com/forums">TTLG community</a> for keeping it alive, and my viewers for watching me goof around on YouTube for all those years.</p> |
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| <p><i>AngelLoader is open-source under the MIT license. You can view the source at <a href="https://github.com/FenPhoenix/AngelLoader">AngelLoader's GitHub repository</a>.</i></p> |
| <p><i>AngelLoader is open-source under the MIT license. You can view the source at <a href="https://github.com/FenPhoenix/AngelLoader">AngelLoader's GitHub repository</a>.</i></p> |
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