English.ini v1.4.8 English.ini v1.5.0
; This is an AngelLoader language file. ; This is an AngelLoader language file.
; This file MUST be saved with UTF8 encoding in order to guarantee correct display of strings. ; This file MUST be saved with UTF8 encoding in order to guarantee correct display of strings.
[Meta]  [Meta] 
; This should be the name of this file's language in this file's language. ; This should be the name of this file's language in this file's language.
; Example: English should be English, French should be Français, etc. ; Example: English should be English, French should be Français, etc.
TranslatedLanguageName=English TranslatedLanguageName=English
[Global]  [Global] 
Cancel=Cancel Cancel=Cancel
.  Yes=Yes
BrowseEllipses=Browse... BrowseEllipses=Browse...
Reset=Reset Reset=Reset
Autodetect=Autodetect Autodetect=Autodetect
SelectAll=Select all SelectAll=Select all
SelectNone=Select none SelectNone=Select none
Unrated=Unrated Unrated=Unrated
None=None None=None
KilobyteShort=KB KilobyteShort=KB
MegabyteShort=MB MegabyteShort=MB
GigabyteShort=GB GigabyteShort=GB
Thief1=Thief 1 Thief1=Thief 1
Thief2=Thief 2 Thief2=Thief 2
Thief3=Thief 3 Thief3=Thief 3
SystemShock2=System Shock 2 SystemShock2=System Shock 2
Thief1_Short=T1 Thief1_Short=T1
Thief2_Short=T2 Thief2_Short=T2
Thief3_Short=T3 Thief3_Short=T3
SystemShock2_Short=SS2 SystemShock2_Short=SS2
Thief1_Colon=Thief 1: Thief1_Colon=Thief 1:
Thief2_Colon=Thief 2: Thief2_Colon=Thief 2:
Thief3_Colon=Thief 3: Thief3_Colon=Thief 3:
SystemShock2_Colon=System Shock 2: SystemShock2_Colon=System Shock 2:
ZoomIn=Zoom in (Ctrl++) ZoomIn=Zoom in (Ctrl++)
ZoomOut=Zoom out (Ctrl+-) ZoomOut=Zoom out (Ctrl+-)
ResetZoom=Reset zoom (Ctrl+0) ResetZoom=Reset zoom (Ctrl+0)
Exit=Exit Exit=Exit
.  [SplashScreen] 
  ; Certain settings (settable in the Settings window) are required to be valid, and if they're invalid,
  ; the Settings window will be shown on startup so the user can fix them.
  CheckingRequiredSettingsFields=Checking required settings fields...
  ; This means it's reading data from each specified game's config file(s).
  ; For example, this might include cam_mod.ini for Thief 1 and Thief 2, SneakyOptions.ini for Thief: Deadly Shadows, etc.
  ReadingGameConfigFiles=Reading game config files...
  ; It's searching all FM archive directories and FM installed directories to see if any new FMs have been added
  ; since the last run, and if so, adding them to the database.
  SearchingForNewFMs=Searching for new FMs...
  LoadingMainApp=Loading main app...
[BrowseDialogs]  [BrowseDialogs] 
AllFiles=All files (*.*) AllFiles=All files (*.*)
ExeFiles=Executable files (*.exe) ExeFiles=Executable files (*.exe)
IniFiles=ini files (*.ini) IniFiles=ini files (*.ini)
DMLFiles=NewDark .dml patch files (*.dml) DMLFiles=NewDark .dml patch files (*.dml)
[AlertMessages]  [AlertMessages] 
Alert=Alert Alert=Alert
Warning=Warning Warning=Warning
Error=Error Error=Error
Confirm=Confirm Confirm=Confirm
Uninstall=Uninstall Uninstall=Uninstall
.  LeaveInstalled=Leave installed
BackUp=Back up BackUp=Back up
DontBackUp=Don't back up DontBackUp=Don't back up
; This is displayed in the title bar of the "Delete FM archive" confirmation dialog box. ; This is displayed in the title bar of the "Delete FM archive" confirmation dialog box.
DeleteFMArchive=Delete FM archive DeleteFMArchive=Delete FM archive
DontAskAgain=Don't ask again DontAskAgain=Don't ask again
AppClosing_OperationInProgress=An operation is in progress. Please cancel or wait for it to finish. AppClosing_OperationInProgress=An operation is in progress. Please cancel or wait for it to finish.
WebSearchURL_ProblemOpening=There was a problem opening the specified web search URL. WebSearchURL_ProblemOpening=There was a problem opening the specified web search URL.
Install_UnknownGameType=This FM's game type is unknown, so it can't be installed. Install_UnknownGameType=This FM's game type is unknown, so it can't be installed.
Install_UnsupportedGameType=This FM's game type is unsupported, so it can't be installed. Install_UnsupportedGameType=This FM's game type is unsupported, so it can't be installed.
Install_ArchiveNotFound=FM archive not found. Unable to install. Install_ArchiveNotFound=FM archive not found. Unable to install.
; These messages will be displayed with the game name and then the message itself. ; These messages will be displayed with the game name and then the message itself.
; Example: ; Example:
; "Thief 2: ; "Thief 2:
; Game executable file not specified or not found. Unable to install." ; Game executable file not specified or not found. Unable to install."
Install_ExecutableNotFound=Game executable file not specified or not found. Unable to install FM. Install_ExecutableNotFound=Game executable file not specified or not found. Unable to install FM.
; "FM install path" means the folder in which FMs are installed, which is usually "[Game directory]\FMs" ; "FM install path" means the folder in which FMs are installed, which is usually "[Game directory]\FMs"
; for Thief 1, Thief 2, and System Shock 2 (for example "C:\Games\Thief2\FMs") and usually ; for Thief 1, Thief 2, and System Shock 2 (for example "C:\Games\Thief2\FMs") and usually
; "C:\ProgramData\Thief 3 Sneaky Upgrade\Installed FMs" for Thief 3. ; "C:\ProgramData\Thief 3 Sneaky Upgrade\Installed FMs" for Thief 3.
Install_FMInstallPathNotFound=FM install path not specified or not found. Unable to install FM. Install_FMInstallPathNotFound=FM install path not specified or not found. Unable to install FM.
Install_GameIsRunning=Game is running; unable to install FM. Please exit the game and then try again. Install_GameIsRunning=Game is running; unable to install FM. Please exit the game and then try again.
Uninstall_Confirm=Are you sure you want to uninstall this FM? Uninstall_Confirm=Are you sure you want to uninstall this FM?
Uninstall_GameIsRunning=Game is running; unable to uninstall FM. Please exit the game and then try again. Uninstall_GameIsRunning=Game is running; unable to uninstall FM. Please exit the game and then try again.
Uninstall_FMAlreadyUninstalled=This FM has already been uninstalled or its folder cannot be found. Mark it as uninstalled? Uninstall_FMAlreadyUninstalled=This FM has already been uninstalled or its folder cannot be found. Mark it as uninstalled?
Uninstall_ArchiveNotFound=This FM's archive file was not found! If you continue with uninstalling this FM, you won't be able to re-install it. Saves and screenshots will be backed up, but any other data will not. Are you sure you want to uninstall this FM? Uninstall_ArchiveNotFound=This FM's archive file was not found! If you continue with uninstalling this FM, you won't be able to re-install it. Saves and screenshots will be backed up, but any other data will not. Are you sure you want to uninstall this FM?
Uninstall_UninstallNotCompleted=The uninstall could not be completed. The FM will be marked as uninstalled but its folder may be in an unknown state. Uninstall_UninstallNotCompleted=The uninstall could not be completed. The FM will be marked as uninstalled but its folder may be in an unknown state.
Uninstall_BackupSavesAndScreenshots=Back up saves and screenshots? Uninstall_BackupSavesAndScreenshots=Back up saves and screenshots?
Uninstall_BackupAllData=Back up all modified/added/removed files (including saves and screenshots)? Uninstall_BackupAllData=Back up all modified/added/removed files (including saves and screenshots)?
Uninstall_BackupChooseNoNote=If you choose "Don't back up", then existing backups will remain, but they will not be updated. Uninstall_BackupChooseNoNote=If you choose "Don't back up", then existing backups will remain, but they will not be updated.
Uninstall_FailedFullyOrPartially=Uninstall failed fully or partially. Uninstall_FailedFullyOrPartially=Uninstall failed fully or partially.
FileConversion_GameIsRunning=Game is running; unable to convert files. Please exit the game and then try again. FileConversion_GameIsRunning=Game is running; unable to convert files. Please exit the game and then try again.
Play_ExecutableNotFound=Game executable file not specified or not found. Unable to play. Play_ExecutableNotFound=Game executable file not specified or not found. Unable to play.
Play_ExecutableNotFoundFM=Game executable file not specified or not found. Unable to play FM. Play_ExecutableNotFoundFM=Game executable file not specified or not found. Unable to play FM.
Play_GamePathNotFound=Game path not found. Unable to play. Play_GamePathNotFound=Game path not found. Unable to play.
Play_AnyGameIsRunning=One or more supported games are already running. Please exit them first. Play_AnyGameIsRunning=One or more supported games are already running. Please exit them first.
Play_UnknownGameType=Selected FM's game type is not known. The FM is either not scanned or is not an FM. Unable to play. Play_UnknownGameType=Selected FM's game type is not known. The FM is either not scanned or is not an FM. Unable to play.
Play_ConfirmMessage=Play FM? Play_ConfirmMessage=Play FM?
.  Play_InstallAndPlayConfirmMessage=Install and play FM?
DromEd_ExecutableNotFound=DromEd.exe was not found in the game directory. Unable to open FM. DromEd_ExecutableNotFound=DromEd.exe was not found in the game directory. Unable to open FM.
ShockEd_ExecutableNotFound=ShockEd.exe was not found in the game directory. Unable to open FM. ShockEd_ExecutableNotFound=ShockEd.exe was not found in the game directory. Unable to open FM.
DromEd_UnknownGameType=Selected FM's game type is not known. The FM is either not scanned or is not an FM. Unable to open FM. DromEd_UnknownGameType=Selected FM's game type is not known. The FM is either not scanned or is not an FM. Unable to open FM.
Thief2_Multiplayer_ExecutableNotFound=Thief2MP.exe was not found in the game directory. Unable to play FM in multiplayer mode. Thief2_Multiplayer_ExecutableNotFound=Thief2MP.exe was not found in the game directory. Unable to play FM in multiplayer mode.
; The generic "Unable to add/remove patch" messages are for when the folder was found but there was some other error that prevented ; The generic "Unable to add/remove patch" messages are for when the folder was found but there was some other error that prevented
; the add/remove operation. ; the add/remove operation.
Patch_AddDML_InstallDirNotFound=This FM's installed folder cannot be found. Unable to add patch. Patch_AddDML_InstallDirNotFound=This FM's installed folder cannot be found. Unable to add patch.
Patch_AddDML_UnableToAdd=Unable to add patch to fan mission folder. Patch_AddDML_UnableToAdd=Unable to add patch to fan mission folder.
Patch_RemoveDML_InstallDirNotFound=This FM's installed folder cannot be found. Unable to remove patch. Patch_RemoveDML_InstallDirNotFound=This FM's installed folder cannot be found. Unable to remove patch.
Patch_RemoveDML_UnableToRemove=Unable to remove patch from fan mission folder. Patch_RemoveDML_UnableToRemove=Unable to remove patch from fan mission folder.
; This error message is displayed when the users clicks the "Open FM folder" button and the folder cannot be found. ; This error message is displayed when the users clicks the "Open FM folder" button and the folder cannot be found.
Patch_FMFolderNotFound=The FM's folder couldn't be found. Patch_FMFolderNotFound=The FM's folder couldn't be found.
Misc_SneakyOptionsIniNotFound=A Thief: Deadly Shadows install exists, but SneakyOptions.ini couldn't be found. Make sure your Thief: Deadly Shadows install has been patched with the Sneaky Upgrade or later. Misc_SneakyOptionsIniNotFound=A Thief: Deadly Shadows install exists, but SneakyOptions.ini couldn't be found. Make sure your Thief: Deadly Shadows install has been patched with the Sneaky Upgrade or later.
Misc_FMMarkedInstalledButNotInstalled=This FM is marked as installed, but its folder cannot be found. Mark it as uninstalled? Misc_FMMarkedInstalledButNotInstalled=This FM is marked as installed, but its folder cannot be found. Mark it as uninstalled?
Extract_ZipExtractFailedFullyOrPartially=Zip extraction failed fully or partially. Extract_ZipExtractFailedFullyOrPartially=Zip extraction failed fully or partially.
Extract_SevenZipExtractFailedFullyOrPartially=7-zip extraction failed fully or partially. Extract_SevenZipExtractFailedFullyOrPartially=7-zip extraction failed fully or partially.
Scan_ExceptionInScanOne=There was a problem scanning the FM. See the log file for error details. Scan_ExceptionInScanOne=There was a problem scanning the FM. See the log file for error details.
Scan_ExceptionInScanMultiple=There was a problem scanning the FMs. See the log file for error details. Scan_ExceptionInScanMultiple=There was a problem scanning the FMs. See the log file for error details.
FindFMs_ExceptionReadingFMDataIni=There was a problem reading the FM data ini file. See the log file for error details. FindFMs_ExceptionReadingFMDataIni=There was a problem reading the FM data ini file. See the log file for error details.
DeleteFM_UnableToDelete=The following FM archive could not be deleted: DeleteFM_UnableToDelete=The following FM archive could not be deleted:
Help_HelpFileNotFound=Help file not found. Help_HelpFileNotFound=Help file not found.
Help_UnableToOpenHelpFile=Unable to open help file. Help_UnableToOpenHelpFile=Unable to open help file.
[MainMenu]  [MainMenu] 
MainMenuToolTip=Main menu MainMenuToolTip=Main menu
GameVersions=Game versions... GameVersions=Game versions...
.  Import=Import
  ScanAllFMs=Scan all FMs...
ViewHelpFile=View help file ViewHelpFile=View help file
About=About AngelLoader About=About AngelLoader
[AboutWindow]  [AboutWindow] 
TitleText=About AngelLoader TitleText=About AngelLoader
; This is the header for the list of third-party libraries and portions of code that AngelLoader uses. ; This is the header for the list of third-party libraries and portions of code that AngelLoader uses.
; In the About window, it looks like: ; In the About window, it looks like:
; "AngelLoader uses: ; "AngelLoader uses:
; 7-Zip ; 7-Zip
; ffmpeg ; ffmpeg
; etc." ; etc."
AngelLoaderUses=AngelLoader uses: AngelLoaderUses=AngelLoader uses:
[GameVersionsWindow]  [GameVersionsWindow] 
; This is where game versions are displayed. ; This is where game versions are displayed.
; For Thief 1, Thief 2, and System Shock 2, the NewDark version will be displayed. ; For Thief 1, Thief 2, and System Shock 2, the NewDark version will be displayed.
; For Thief 3, the Sneaky Upgrade version will be displayed. ; For Thief 3, the Sneaky Upgrade version will be displayed.
; Versions are detected by looking in the game executable (for T1, T2, SS2) or the Sneaky.dll file (for T3). ; Versions are detected by looking in the game executable (for T1, T2, SS2) or the Sneaky.dll file (for T3).
; Error messages relate to not being able to find the appropriate .exe/.dll file, or not being able to find ; Error messages relate to not being able to find the appropriate .exe/.dll file, or not being able to find
; a version in said file. ; a version in said file.
TitleText=Game versions TitleText=Game versions
; An exe file has been specified for this game, but the file cannot be found. ; An exe file has been specified for this game, but the file cannot be found.
Error_GameExeNotFound=Game executable not found Error_GameExeNotFound=Game executable not found
; An exe file has been specified for Thief 3, but Sneaky.dll cannot be found. ; An exe file has been specified for Thief 3, but Sneaky.dll cannot be found.
Error_SneakyDllNotFound=Sneaky.dll not found Error_SneakyDllNotFound=Sneaky.dll not found
; A version could not be found inside the .exe/.dll file. ; A version could not be found inside the .exe/.dll file.
Error_GameVersionNotFound=Version not found Error_GameVersionNotFound=Version not found
[FMDeletion]  [FMDeletion] 
ArchiveNotFound=This FM's archive could not be found. To delete this FM permanently, simply uninstall it. ArchiveNotFound=This FM's archive could not be found. To delete this FM permanently, simply uninstall it.
.  AskToUninstallFMFirst=This FM is installed. Uninstall it first?
AboutToDelete=The following FM archive is about to be deleted from disk: AboutToDelete=The following FM archive is about to be deleted from disk:
DuplicateArchivesFound=Multiple archives with the same name were found. Please choose which archives(s) you want to delete. DuplicateArchivesFound=Multiple archives with the same name were found. Please choose which archives(s) you want to delete.
; One of these will be displayed on a button on the "Delete FM archive" dialog box, depending if one or multiple FM archives were found. ; One of these will be displayed on a button on the "Delete FM archive" dialog box, depending if one or multiple FM archives were found.
DeleteFM=Delete FM DeleteFM=Delete FM
DeleteFMs=Delete FM(s) DeleteFMs=Delete FM(s)
[Difficulties]  [Difficulties] 
; Thief 1 and Thief 2 difficulties are: Normal, Hard, Expert, Extreme. ; Thief 1 and Thief 2 difficulties are: Normal, Hard, Expert, Extreme.
; Thief 3 difficulties are: Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert. ; Thief 3 difficulties are: Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert.
; System Shock 2 difficulties are: Easy, Normal, Hard, Impossible. ; System Shock 2 difficulties are: Easy, Normal, Hard, Impossible.
; "Extreme" is not a real difficulty for Thief 1 and Thief 2, but is included for DarkLoader compatibility. ; "Extreme" is not a real difficulty for Thief 1 and Thief 2, but is included for DarkLoader compatibility.
Easy=Easy Easy=Easy
Normal=Normal Normal=Normal
Hard=Hard Hard=Hard
Expert=Expert Expert=Expert
Extreme=Extreme Extreme=Extreme
Impossible=Impossible Impossible=Impossible
Unknown=Unknown Unknown=Unknown
[FilterBar]  [FilterBar] 
Title=Title: Title=Title:
Author=Author: Author=Author:
ReleaseDateToolTip=Release date ReleaseDateToolTip=Release date
LastPlayedToolTip=Last played LastPlayedToolTip=Last played
TagsToolTip=Tags TagsToolTip=Tags
FinishedToolTip=Finished FinishedToolTip=Finished
UnfinishedToolTip=Unfinished UnfinishedToolTip=Unfinished
RatingToolTip=Rating RatingToolTip=Rating
ShowUnsupported=Show FMs marked as "unsupported game or non-FM archive"  ShowUnsupported=Show FMs marked as "unsupported game or non-FM archive" 
.  ShowUnavailable=Show unavailable FMs
ShowRecentAtTop=Show recently added FMs at the top of the list ShowRecentAtTop=Show recently added FMs at the top of the list
.RefreshFromDiskButtonToolTip=Refresh from disk  RefreshFMsListButtonToolTip=Refresh FMs list 
RefreshFilteredListButtonToolTip=Refresh filtered list  RefreshFiltersButtonToolTip=Refresh filters 
ClearFiltersButtonToolTip=Clear filters ClearFiltersButtonToolTip=Clear filters
ResetLayoutButtonToolTip=Reset layout ResetLayoutButtonToolTip=Reset layout
ShowHideMenuToolTip=Show or hide filter controls ShowHideMenuToolTip=Show or hide filter controls
ShowHideMenu_Title=Title ShowHideMenu_Title=Title
ShowHideMenu_Author=Author ShowHideMenu_Author=Author
ShowHideMenu_ReleaseDate=Release date ShowHideMenu_ReleaseDate=Release date
ShowHideMenu_LastPlayed=Last played ShowHideMenu_LastPlayed=Last played
ShowHideMenu_Tags=Tags ShowHideMenu_Tags=Tags
ShowHideMenu_FinishedState=Finished state ShowHideMenu_FinishedState=Finished state
ShowHideMenu_Rating=Rating ShowHideMenu_Rating=Rating
ShowHideMenu_ShowUnsupported=Show unsupported ShowHideMenu_ShowUnsupported=Show unsupported
.  ShowHideMenu_ShowUnavailable=Show unavailable
ShowHideMenu_ShowRecentAtTop=Show recent at top ShowHideMenu_ShowRecentAtTop=Show recent at top
[FMsList]  [FMsList] 
GameColumn=Game GameColumn=Game
InstalledColumn=Installed InstalledColumn=Installed
TitleColumn=Title TitleColumn=Title
ArchiveColumn=Archive ArchiveColumn=Archive
AuthorColumn=Author AuthorColumn=Author
SizeColumn=Size SizeColumn=Size
RatingColumn=Rating RatingColumn=Rating
FinishedColumn=Finished FinishedColumn=Finished
ReleaseDateColumn=Release Date ReleaseDateColumn=Release Date
LastPlayedColumn=Last Played LastPlayedColumn=Last Played
; The date an FM was added to the list. Basically means the date you downloaded it and put it into your archives folder. ; The date an FM was added to the list. Basically means the date you downloaded it and put it into your archives folder.
DateAddedColumn=Date Added DateAddedColumn=Date Added
DisabledModsColumn=Disabled Mods DisabledModsColumn=Disabled Mods
CommentColumn=Comment CommentColumn=Comment
AllModsDisabledMessage=* [All] AllModsDisabledMessage=* [All]
ColumnMenu_ResetAllColumnsToVisible=Reset all columns to visible ColumnMenu_ResetAllColumnsToVisible=Reset all columns to visible
ColumnMenu_ResetAllColumnWidths=Reset all column widths ColumnMenu_ResetAllColumnWidths=Reset all column widths
ColumnMenu_ResetAllColumnPositions=Reset all column positions ColumnMenu_ResetAllColumnPositions=Reset all column positions
FMMenu_PlayFM=Play FM FMMenu_PlayFM=Play FM
FMMenu_PlayFM_Multiplayer=Play FM (multiplayer) FMMenu_PlayFM_Multiplayer=Play FM (multiplayer)
FMMenu_InstallFM=Install FM FMMenu_InstallFM=Install FM
FMMenu_UninstallFM=Uninstall FM FMMenu_UninstallFM=Uninstall FM
FMMenu_DeleteFM=Delete FM archive FMMenu_DeleteFM=Delete FM archive
FMMenu_OpenInDromEd=Open FM in DromEd FMMenu_OpenInDromEd=Open FM in DromEd
FMMenu_OpenInShockEd=Open FM in ShockEd FMMenu_OpenInShockEd=Open FM in ShockEd
.  FMMenu_OpenFMFolder=Open FM folder
FMMenu_Rating=Rating FMMenu_Rating=Rating
FMMenu_FinishedOn=Finished on FMMenu_FinishedOn=Finished on
FMMenu_ConvertAudio=Convert audio FMMenu_ConvertAudio=Convert audio
FMMenu_ScanFM=Scan FM FMMenu_ScanFM=Scan FM
FMMenu_WebSearch=Web search FMMenu_WebSearch=Web search
ConvertAudioMenu_ConvertWAVsTo16Bit=Convert .wav files to 16 bit ConvertAudioMenu_ConvertWAVsTo16Bit=Convert .wav files to 16 bit
ConvertAudioMenu_ConvertOGGsToWAVs=Convert .ogg files to .wav ConvertAudioMenu_ConvertOGGsToWAVs=Convert .ogg files to .wav
[StatisticsTab]  [StatisticsTab] 
TabText=Statistics TabText=Statistics
CustomResources=Custom resources: CustomResources=Custom resources:
CustomResourcesNotScanned=Custom resources not scanned. CustomResourcesNotScanned=Custom resources not scanned.
CustomResourcesNotSupportedForThief3=Custom resource detection is not supported for Thief 3 FMs. CustomResourcesNotSupportedForThief3=Custom resource detection is not supported for Thief 3 FMs.
NoFMSelected=No FM selected. NoFMSelected=No FM selected.
Map=Map Map=Map
Automap=Automap Automap=Automap
Textures=Textures Textures=Textures
Sounds=Sounds Sounds=Sounds
Movies=Movies Movies=Movies
Objects=Objects Objects=Objects
Creatures=Creatures Creatures=Creatures
Motions=Motions Motions=Motions
Scripts=Scripts Scripts=Scripts
Subtitles=Subtitles Subtitles=Subtitles
RescanCustomResources=Rescan custom resources RescanCustomResources=Rescan custom resources
[EditFMTab]  [EditFMTab] 
TabText=Edit FM TabText=Edit FM
Title=Title: Title=Title:
Author=Author: Author=Author:
ReleaseDate=Release date: ReleaseDate=Release date:
LastPlayed=Last played: LastPlayed=Last played:
Rating=Rating: Rating=Rating:
FinishedOn=Finished on... FinishedOn=Finished on...
DisabledMods=Disabled mods: DisabledMods=Disabled mods:
DisableAllMods=Disable all mods DisableAllMods=Disable all mods
PlayFMInThisLanguage=Play FM in this language: PlayFMInThisLanguage=Play FM in this language:
DefaultLanguage=Default DefaultLanguage=Default
RescanTitleToolTip=Rescan title RescanTitleToolTip=Rescan title
RescanAuthorToolTip=Rescan author RescanAuthorToolTip=Rescan author
RescanReleaseDateToolTip=Rescan release date RescanReleaseDateToolTip=Rescan release date
RescanLanguages=Rescan for supported languages RescanLanguages=Rescan for supported languages
RescanForReadmes=Rescan for readmes RescanForReadmes=Rescan for readmes
[CommentTab]  [CommentTab] 
TabText=Comment TabText=Comment
[TagsTab]  [TagsTab] 
TabText=Tags TabText=Tags
AddTag=Add tag AddTag=Add tag
AddFromList=Add from list... AddFromList=Add from list...
; Each category in the "Add from list..." menu will have this as a menu item that the user can click ; Each category in the "Add from list..." menu will have this as a menu item that the user can click
; to create a new tag in that category. ; to create a new tag in that category.
CustomTagInCategory=<custom> CustomTagInCategory=<custom>
RemoveTag=Remove tag RemoveTag=Remove tag
AskRemoveCategory=Remove category? AskRemoveCategory=Remove category?
AskRemoveTag=Remove tag? AskRemoveTag=Remove tag?
[PatchTab]  [PatchTab] 
TabText=Patch & Customize TabText=Patch & Customize
DMLPatchesApplied=.dml patches applied to this FM: DMLPatchesApplied=.dml patches applied to this FM:
AddDMLPatchToolTip=Add a new .dml patch to this FM AddDMLPatchToolTip=Add a new .dml patch to this FM
RemoveDMLPatchToolTip=Remove selected .dml patch from this FM RemoveDMLPatchToolTip=Remove selected .dml patch from this FM
FMNotInstalled=FM must be installed in order to use this section. FMNotInstalled=FM must be installed in order to use this section.
OpenFMFolder=Open FM folder OpenFMFolder=Open FM folder
[ReadmeArea]  [ReadmeArea] 
ViewHTMLReadme=View HTML Readme ViewHTMLReadme=View HTML Readme
FullScreenToolTip=Fullscreen FullScreenToolTip=Fullscreen
.  CharacterEncoding=Character encoding
NoReadmeFound=No readme found. NoReadmeFound=No readme found.
UnableToLoadReadme=Unable to load this readme. UnableToLoadReadme=Unable to load this readme.
[PlayOriginalGameMenu]  [PlayOriginalGameMenu] 
Thief2_Multiplayer=Thief 2 (multiplayer) Thief2_Multiplayer=Thief 2 (multiplayer)
[MainButtons]  [MainButtons] 
PlayFM=Play FM PlayFM=Play FM
InstallFM=Install FM InstallFM=Install FM
UninstallFM=Uninstall FM UninstallFM=Uninstall FM
PlayOriginalGame=Play original game... PlayOriginalGame=Play original game...
WebSearch=Web search WebSearch=Web search
.ScanAllFMs=Scan all FMs...  
Import=Import from...  
Settings=Settings... Settings=Settings...
[ProgressBox]  [ProgressBox] 
Scanning=Scanning... Scanning=Scanning...
InstallingFM=Installing FM... InstallingFM=Installing FM...
UninstallingFM=Uninstalling FM... UninstallingFM=Uninstalling FM...
ConvertingFiles=Converting files... ConvertingFiles=Converting files...
PreparingToScanFMs=Preparing to scan FM(s)... PreparingToScanFMs=Preparing to scan FM(s)...
ReportScanningFirst=Scanning   ReportScanningFirst=Scanning  
ReportScanningBetweenNumAndTotal= of   ReportScanningBetweenNumAndTotal= of  
ReportScanningLast=... ReportScanningLast=...
CancelingInstall=Canceling install... CancelingInstall=Canceling install...
ImportingFromDarkLoader=Importing from DarkLoader... ImportingFromDarkLoader=Importing from DarkLoader...
ImportingFromNewDarkLoader=Importing from NewDarkLoader... ImportingFromNewDarkLoader=Importing from NewDarkLoader...
ImportingFromFMSel=Importing from FMSel... ImportingFromFMSel=Importing from FMSel...
CachingReadmeFiles=Caching readme files... CachingReadmeFiles=Caching readme files...
DeletingFMArchive=Deleting FM archive... DeletingFMArchive=Deleting FM archive...
[SettingsWindow]  [SettingsWindow] 
TitleText=Settings TitleText=Settings
StartupTitleText=AngelLoader Initial Setup StartupTitleText=AngelLoader Initial Setup
Paths_TabText=Paths Paths_TabText=Paths
InitialSettings_TabText=Initial Settings InitialSettings_TabText=Initial Settings
Paths_PathsToGameExes=Paths to game executables Paths_PathsToGameExes=Paths to game executables
Paths_DarkEngineGamesRequireNewDark=* Thief 1, Thief 2 and System Shock 2 require NewDark. Paths_DarkEngineGamesRequireNewDark=* Thief 1, Thief 2 and System Shock 2 require NewDark.
Paths_Thief3RequiresSneakyUpgrade=* Thief 3 requires the Sneaky Upgrade or above. Paths_Thief3RequiresSneakyUpgrade=* Thief 3 requires the Sneaky Upgrade or above.
Paths_SteamOptions=Steam options Paths_SteamOptions=Steam options
Paths_PathToSteamExecutable=Path to Steam executable (optional): Paths_PathToSteamExecutable=Path to Steam executable (optional):
Paths_LaunchTheseGamesThroughSteam=If Steam exists, use it to launch these games: Paths_LaunchTheseGamesThroughSteam=If Steam exists, use it to launch these games:
Paths_Other=Other Paths_Other=Other
Paths_BackupPath=Backup path (required): Paths_BackupPath=Backup path (required):
Paths_FMArchivePaths=FM archive paths Paths_FMArchivePaths=FM archive paths
; This is a checkbox in the "FM archive paths" section. If checked, then all subfolders of all specified ; This is a checkbox in the "FM archive paths" section. If checked, then all subfolders of all specified
; FM archive paths will also be searched for FM archives; otherwise, only exactly the specified FM archive ; FM archive paths will also be searched for FM archives; otherwise, only exactly the specified FM archive
; paths will be searched. ; paths will be searched.
Paths_IncludeSubfolders=Include subfolders Paths_IncludeSubfolders=Include subfolders
Paths_BackupPath_Info=This is the directory that will be used for new backups of saves, screenshots, etc. when you uninstall a fan mission. This must be a different directory from any FM archive paths. Paths_BackupPath_Info=This is the directory that will be used for new backups of saves, screenshots, etc. when you uninstall a fan mission. This must be a different directory from any FM archive paths.
Paths_AddArchivePathToolTip=Add archive path... Paths_AddArchivePathToolTip=Add archive path...
Paths_RemoveArchivePathToolTip=Remove selected archive path Paths_RemoveArchivePathToolTip=Remove selected archive path
Paths_ErrorSomePathsAreInvalid=Some paths are invalid. Paths_ErrorSomePathsAreInvalid=Some paths are invalid.
.FMDisplay_TabText=FM Display  Appearance_TabText=Appearance 
.FMDisplay_GameOrganization=Game organization  Appearance_FMsList=FMs list 
FMDisplay_GameOrganizationByTab=Each game in its own tab   
FMDisplay_UseShortGameTabNames=Use short names on game tabs   
FMDisplay_GameOrganizationOneList=Everything in one list, and games are filters   
.FMDisplay_Sorting=Sorting  Appearance_GameOrganization=Game organization: 
  Appearance_GameOrganizationByTab=Each game in its own tab 
  Appearance_UseShortGameTabNames=Use short names on game tabs 
  Appearance_GameOrganizationOneList=Everything in one list, and games are filters 
.FMDisplay_IgnoreArticles=Ignore the following leading articles when sorting by title: Appearance_Sorting=Sorting 
  Appearance_IgnoreArticles=Ignore the following leading articles when sorting by title:
  Appearance_MoveArticlesToEnd=Move articles to the end of names when displaying them 
.FMDisplay_MoveArticlesToEnd=Move articles to the end of names when displaying them  Appearance_RatingDisplayStyle=Rating display style 
  Appearance_RatingDisplayStyleNDL=NewDarkLoader (0-10 in increments of 1) 
  Appearance_RatingDisplayStyleFMSel=FMSel (0-5 in increments of 0.5) 
  Appearance_RatingDisplayStyleUseStars=Use stars 
.FMDisplay_RatingDisplayStyle=Rating display style  Appearance_DateFormat=Date format 
FMDisplay_RatingDisplayStyleNDL=NewDarkLoader (0-10 in increments of 1)  Appearance_CurrentCultureShort=System locale, short 
FMDisplay_RatingDisplayStyleFMSel=FMSel (0-5 in increments of 0.5)  Appearance_CurrentCultureLong=System locale, long 
FMDisplay_RatingDisplayStyleUseStars=Use stars  Appearance_Custom=Custom: 
.FMDisplay_DateFormat=Date format  Appearance_RecentFMs=Recent FMs 
FMDisplay_CurrentCultureShort=System locale, short  Appearance_RecentFMs_MaxDays=Maximum number of days to consider an FM "recent":
FMDisplay_CurrentCultureLong=System locale, long   
.FMDisplay_RecentFMs=Recent FMs Appearance_ShowOrHideInterfaceElements=Show or hide interface elements
FMDisplay_RecentFMs_MaxDays=Maximum number of days to consider an FM "recent":  Appearance_HideUninstallButton=Hide "Install / Uninstall FM" button (like FMSel) 
  Appearance_HideFMListZoomButtons=Hide FM list zoom buttons 
  Appearance_HideExitButton=Hide exit button 
  Appearance_ReadmeBox=Readme box 
  Appearance_ReadmeUseFixedWidthFont=Use a fixed-width font when displaying plain text 
Other_TabText=Other Other_TabText=Other
Other_FMFileConversion=FM file conversion Other_FMFileConversion=FM file conversion
Other_ConvertWAVsTo16BitOnInstall=Convert .wavs to 16 bit on install Other_ConvertWAVsTo16BitOnInstall=Convert .wavs to 16 bit on install
Other_ConvertOGGsToWAVsOnInstall=Convert .oggs to .wavs on install Other_ConvertOGGsToWAVsOnInstall=Convert .oggs to .wavs on install
Other_UninstallingFMs=Uninstalling FMs Other_UninstallingFMs=Uninstalling FMs
Other_ConfirmBeforeUninstalling=Confirm before uninstalling Other_ConfirmBeforeUninstalling=Confirm before uninstalling
Other_WhenUninstallingBackUp=When uninstalling, back up: Other_WhenUninstallingBackUp=When uninstalling, back up:
Other_BackUpSavesAndScreenshotsOnly=Saves and screenshots only Other_BackUpSavesAndScreenshotsOnly=Saves and screenshots only
Other_BackUpAllChangedFiles=All changed files Other_BackUpAllChangedFiles=All changed files
Other_BackUpAlwaysAsk=Always ask Other_BackUpAlwaysAsk=Always ask
Other_WebSearch=Web search Other_WebSearch=Web search
Other_WebSearchURL=Full URL to use when searching for an FM title: Other_WebSearchURL=Full URL to use when searching for an FM title:
; $TITLE$ is a keyword that the user can place into the URL to signify that the current FM's title should ; $TITLE$ is a keyword that the user can place into the URL to signify that the current FM's title should
; be placed there. It should not be translated (it must always remain $TITLE$). ; be placed there. It should not be translated (it must always remain $TITLE$).
Other_WebSearchTitleVar=$TITLE$ : the title of the FM Other_WebSearchTitleVar=$TITLE$ : the title of the FM
Other_WebSearchResetToolTip=Reset to default Other_WebSearchResetToolTip=Reset to default
Other_ConfirmPlayOnDCOrEnter=Play FM on double-click / Enter Other_ConfirmPlayOnDCOrEnter=Play FM on double-click / Enter
Other_ConfirmPlayOnDCOrEnter_Ask=Ask for confirmation Other_ConfirmPlayOnDCOrEnter_Ask=Ask for confirmation
.Other_ShowOrHideInterfaceElements=Show or hide interface elements  
Other_HideUninstallButton=Hide "Install / Uninstall FM" button (like FMSel)  
Other_HideFMListZoomButtons=Hide FM list zoom buttons  
Other_HideExitButton=Hide exit button  
Other_ReadmeBox=Readme box  
Other_ReadmeUseFixedWidthFont=Use a fixed-width font when displaying plain text  
[DateFilterBox]  [DateFilterBox] 
ReleaseDateTitleText=Set release date filter ReleaseDateTitleText=Set release date filter
LastPlayedTitleText=Set last played filter LastPlayedTitleText=Set last played filter
From=From: From=From:
To=To: To=To:
NoMinimum=(no minimum) NoMinimum=(no minimum)
NoMaximum=(no maximum) NoMaximum=(no maximum)
[TagsFilterBox]  [TagsFilterBox] 
TitleText=Set tags filter TitleText=Set tags filter
MoveToAll=All MoveToAll=All
MoveToAny=Any MoveToAny=Any
MoveToExclude=Exclude MoveToExclude=Exclude
Reset=Reset Reset=Reset
IncludeAll=Include All: IncludeAll=Include All:
IncludeAny=Include Any: IncludeAny=Include Any:
Exclude=Exclude: Exclude=Exclude:
ClearSelectedToolTip=Clear selected ClearSelectedToolTip=Clear selected
ClearAllToolTip=Clear all ClearAllToolTip=Clear all
[RatingFilterBox]  [RatingFilterBox] 
TitleText=Set rating filter TitleText=Set rating filter
From=From: From=From:
To=To: To=To:
[Importing]  [Importing] 
NothingWasImported=Nothing was imported. NothingWasImported=Nothing was imported.
SelectedFileIsNotAValidPath=Selected file is not a valid path. SelectedFileIsNotAValidPath=Selected file is not a valid path.
ImportFromDarkLoader_TitleText=Import from DarkLoader ImportFromDarkLoader_TitleText=Import from DarkLoader
DarkLoader_ChooseIni=Choose DarkLoader.ini: DarkLoader_ChooseIni=Choose DarkLoader.ini:
DarkLoader_ImportFMData=Import FM data DarkLoader_ImportFMData=Import FM data
DarkLoader_ImportSaves=Import saves DarkLoader_ImportSaves=Import saves
DarkLoader_SelectedFileIsNotDarkLoaderIni=Selected file is not DarkLoader.ini. DarkLoader_SelectedFileIsNotDarkLoaderIni=Selected file is not DarkLoader.ini.
DarkLoader_SelectedDarkLoaderIniWasNotFound=Selected DarkLoader.ini was not found. DarkLoader_SelectedDarkLoaderIniWasNotFound=Selected DarkLoader.ini was not found.
DarkLoader_NoArchiveDirsFound=No archive directories were specified in DarkLoader.ini. Unable to import. DarkLoader_NoArchiveDirsFound=No archive directories were specified in DarkLoader.ini. Unable to import.
ImportFromNewDarkLoader_TitleText=Import from NewDarkLoader ImportFromNewDarkLoader_TitleText=Import from NewDarkLoader
ImportFromFMSel_TitleText=Import from FMSel ImportFromFMSel_TitleText=Import from FMSel
ChooseNewDarkLoaderIniFiles=Choose NewDarkLoader .ini file(s): ChooseNewDarkLoaderIniFiles=Choose NewDarkLoader .ini file(s):
ChooseFMSelIniFiles=Choose FMSel .ini file(s): ChooseFMSelIniFiles=Choose FMSel .ini file(s):
ImportData_Title=Title ImportData_Title=Title
ImportData_ReleaseDate=Release date ImportData_ReleaseDate=Release date
ImportData_LastPlayed=Last played ImportData_LastPlayed=Last played
ImportData_Finished=Finished ImportData_Finished=Finished
ImportData_Comment=Comment ImportData_Comment=Comment
ImportData_Rating=Rating ImportData_Rating=Rating
ImportData_DisabledMods=Disabled mods ImportData_DisabledMods=Disabled mods
ImportData_Tags=Tags ImportData_Tags=Tags
ImportData_SelectedReadme=Selected readme ImportData_SelectedReadme=Selected readme
ImportData_Size=Size ImportData_Size=Size
[ScanAllFMsBox]  [ScanAllFMsBox] 
TitleText=Scan all FMs TitleText=Scan all FMs
ScanAllFMsFor=Scan all FMs for: ScanAllFMsFor=Scan all FMs for:
Title=Title Title=Title
Author=Author Author=Author
Game=Game Game=Game
CustomResources=Custom resources CustomResources=Custom resources
Size=Size Size=Size
ReleaseDate=Release date ReleaseDate=Release date
Tags=Tags Tags=Tags
Scan=Scan Scan=Scan
NothingWasScanned=No options were selected; no FMs have been scanned. NothingWasScanned=No options were selected; no FMs have been scanned.
  AutodetectNow=Autodetect now
  Category_CentralEuropean=Central European
  Category_EasternEuropean=Eastern European
  Category_NorthernEuropean=Northern European
  Category_UnitedStates=United States
  Category_WesternEuropean=Western European